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Capturing after:save event of bottom panel link from field view
Say we have a bottom panel in detail view of Entity A. I click the edit drop-down of one of the records in the... -
How to show meeting dateEnd in shared calendar?
The dateStart and dateEnd appear in the single user's calendar, while the dateEnd does not appear in the shared calendar
Thnaks! -
Integrating Search into my Entity
I have created a LOCATION entity that contains specific characteristics of a property. I want to be able to search the new Entity for all properties with...
E-Mail Workflow and Calls
Emails are received with the subject “Call from” and a defined sender. These trigger the creation of a new incoming call. That... -
Missing options - Enum type field
I have some fields in the Opportunity Entity of type Enum and I've just noticed that there are no "options" available to list.... -
Entity Field with key and value for user to enter
is it possible to have a field on an entity where users enter a key and an associated value which can later be used in a pdf template... -
File to Attach Multiple
Hi all
I have a client that has quite a few fields of type file but after 2 years they have asked if the fields can accept more than one file for...Last edited by nickh; 11-28-2023, 05:43 PM. -
Multi-select dropdown
We are a transport company and one of our competitors has went out of business today. This has presented an opportunity, however it is proving difficult... -
No results with custom multi-enum fields in search
Hello all,
I'm having problems with Opportunity entity. I added custom multi-enum fields, and if I try to add a search filter on the GUI...Last edited by radu; 02-21-2023, 10:03 AM. -
is it possible to show assignedUser avatar on list view
is it possible to show assignedUser avatar on list view? been looking how to do it but couldn't find a way yet....