This might be more of a rant rather than a guide. It about the amazing email system.
Slowly sorting out my email. It quite annoying it not sync via POP of read status, delete, trash folder etc. That might be a good thing or a bad thing, depend on the occasion.
The more interesting is how the email linking system work. I have yet to work it out but it could possibly be an email body content scan system via CRON.
We have ads posted on a various different website, contact would fill out their basic detail such as Name, email and phone and an enquiry.
This detail is then get send to our email as an enquiry. From these detail sent via email we create a Contact record for them and then start contacting them.
What I discover is amazingly, after I create the Contact (copy paste name, email and phone). View/Open the contact we just recently created, you can see the Email history has been linked to them. And I notice multiple email that I haven't view yet (they make multiple enquries on different website).
Obviously the "From" to "To" email field don't list their email yet EspoCRM (the From email is from the Website email not the Contact) manage to capture those data, that save a bit of time having to link the email to the Contact as a Parent.
Aside from the complain above (Read/Delete and Trash Status), I guess the next hopeful feature is to be able to "Right Click" these detail and it generate a Contact/Account for creating new record.
From the look of it, it seem that it use a "Reply-to" field? This field is hidden from EspoCRM and we can't see it on the interface but can see it in Entity Manager. But once you click "Reply" it will fill in the "Email To" section. I believe this is how EspoCRM is linking email to Contact/Account.
Learning EspoCRM and Design
I style it bit more here and will update this comments if I make any changes to it.
Subject: {{name}}
Date & Time: {{#if isAllDay}}{{dateStartDate}}{{else}}{{dateFormat dateStart_RAW format='DD MMM YYYY - h:mmA'}}{{/if}}
Location: {{{meetingLocationStreet}}}, {{meetingLocationCity}} {{meetingLocationState}} {{meetingLocationPostalCode}}
{{#if isUser}} {{#if description}}
{{/if}} {{/if}}
Click button below to confirm your attendance:
[ Accept Meeting ] / [ Decline Meeting ] / [ Tentative Attendance]
{{#if isUser}}
View record
{{/if}} -
One other thing I noticed is, it create a "Meeting.ics" file in the email as an attachment which can be use for importing. Unfortunately I do not know how to add the "Location" into the Meeting.ics template.
Secondly it also display the "Description" field, so be careful you don't write private/dangerous information in that field because your contact can see it.
That mean the code below is meaningless! Or so I thought, however to download the meeting.ics you need to have an account/user to download the file.
"{{#if isUser}} {{#if description}}
{{/if}} {{/if}}Last edited by esforim; 04-21-2020, 07:49 AM. -
THIS IS AN TUTORIAL/GUIDE - Send Email Invitation
Today I'm learning how to use the "Send Invitation" feature in my Meeting entity.
First thing I wanted to change was the date formatting. The default date look weird and did not suit readability for my country. Thanks to the guide here:
I figure it out how to update it.
Second thing I find is extremely important is the Location of the meeting. I first create a new "Address" field and add the field to the Layout Manager.
Initially my location is not working! After trying a few method I figured out how (by shear luck).
Below is the code I use in my Template Manager: Please note don't use my Accept, Decline, Tenative link. Be sure to use your correct URL or keep your Meeting Template when you do copy/paste.
Code:[B]Subject:[/B] {{name}} [B]Date & Time[/B]: {{#if isAllDay}}{{dateStartDate}}{{else}}{{dateFormat dateStart_RAW format='DD MMM YYYY - h:mmA'}}{{/if}} [B]Location[/B]: {{{meetingLocationStreet}}} {{meetingLocationCity}} {{meetingLocationState}} {{meetingLocationPostalCode}} {{#if isUser}} {{#if description}} {{{description}}} {{/if}} {{/if}} Click below to confirm your attendance. [URL=""]Accept[/URL], [URL=""]Decline[/URL], [URL=""]Tentative[/URL] {{#if isUser}} [URL=""]View record[/URL] {{/if}}
If you use the PDF Template manager, these code will be provide: {{{meeting.meetingLocationStreet}}}
If you use this code then it won't work, you need to remove the first "meeting" section. So it become {{{meetingLocationStreet}}}
Secondly, notice how it is {{{ and }}}. This is only use for Street section (multiple lines). The City, State and Postal just need {{ }}
Lastly from what I notice is, the "Send Invitation" will only send to the main email of that contact (the star button). So adjust that contact email if necessary.
See attachment for the meeting.ics. As you can see it manage to grab my email address, the Meeting name, the time and date, the description. However the Location is currently blank.
Last edited by esforim; 04-21-2020, 07:52 AM.Leave a comment:
This post will talk about EspoCRM 5.8
Recently finally manage to upgrade to EspoCRM 5.8. Long and slow progress when it come to moving host.
There is quite a few feature in this update. This post will explore these setting as I learn how to use it.
Enhancements:- Barcode field
- PDF Templates: Date format helper
- PDF Templates: Checkbox tag
- PDF Templates: Ability to define custom helpers
- PDF Templates: imageTag helper
- PDF Templates: totalPageNumber footer placeholder
- Mass Email: VERP support
- Tracking URLs: Ability to show message instead of redirecting to URL
- Foreign field: Support 'Array', 'Multi-Enum', 'Checklist' field
- Foreign field: Support 'Currency Converted' fields
- Foreign field: Support one-to-one relationship
- New notification number in title
- Multiple dynamic handlers support
- Person Name field: Middle name support
- Settings: 'Person Name Format' parameter
- Portal Users tab
- Emails: Sending draft from list view
- Link Manager: Children-to-Parent support
- Formula: record\relationColumn & record\updateRelationColumn functions
- Formula: string\pad function
- Link Manager: One-to-One support
- Currency Rates API
- Opportunities: Primary contact
- Iframe dashlet
- Address field: Ability to view map in modal dialog
- Administration: List of all email addresses stored in system
- Administration: List of all phone numbers stored in system
Person Name field: Middle name support
To use it, you need to Admin > Settings > Person Format Name > "First Middle Last name".
After that there will be a "Middle Name" box display when you edit/create contact.Leave a comment:
This post talk about Relationship.
I still can't warp my head around the idea of Relationship linking, right now to play it safe (might be a very stupid thing for me to do) is to create "Many-to-Many" relationship. Just in case choosing a "One to Many" or "Many to One" prevent me from future problem.
This post explore more details about the relationship as I learn more about it. I was planning to draw a diagram with my interpretation but doing a quick search show very detail article already exist. Instead I link them here so that you can use it as reference.
Over the summer we made it easy to walk Many-to-One relationships. With a single dot you can walk across a relationship from one entity to another. First(Orders).Customer.Name is all that…
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Tried to sign up for CIS, successfully create the account, pay for it and such. Tried to log into CPanel and start testing the system but shortly afterward got an email saying that the account has been cancelled and account got deactivated.
Talked to one of their staff and was told that the system automate the account creation and fraud point system got flag and the order is cancelled. Now need to wait 36 hours before trying again. Quite a hassle, but at least I found this out before the weekends where we can start migrating then, that if we can sign up successfully.
They can't give information why we getting low score either as it is, "3rd party" system. So it seem like CIS is own by another party perhaps?
One reason possibly is due to IP address (I don't use VPN or anything like that, IP is straight from our Internet Provider), another was Office Address (which is physical address I use during sign up, we didn't use a Postal Box).
I will give them another try afterward and see how it goes. CIS offering the best deal at the moment so decide to go with them but this is putting us in a tough spot.
So at the end of the day: make sure that account get register before start making plan to migrate as your account might get deactivated and you have to wait.
I also try to use their "Free Domain" option, perhaps that was a bad idea. Maybe that why the account got deactivate, I decide to use the Free Domain option to get another TLD of my website. An, ".org", short for Organization, but maybe that why I was stupid, they only allow big Organization or Charity to use that(?). I rarely see any business use that TLD if it doesn't fall into those two category.Last edited by esforim; 02-05-2020, 07:30 AM. -
Decide to go ahead with CIS at the moment. Hopefully no compatibility issue in the short and long term as moving host is always a hassle.
Their investigative ability is quite wonderful as they inform me that I asked the wrong question and get the wrong answer.
I have update the original post to reflect the changes, on their shared hosting it is: PHP 7.3 (not 7.4) and MySQL 5.7 (not 8). Which is good enough for now, their staff did informed me that CPanel currently doesn't support MySQL 8 at the moment so it holding them back at this stage ( )
From the look of it, Cpanel will support it soon, "cPanelTabby ● 28 days ago - MySQL 8 is coming to CentOS 7 in v88."
That sound good, but it might take a while (possibly never) before CIS upgrade their share hosting for that. Hopefully the server I got is higher in the queue as I heard good thing of MySQL 8.
PS: I wonder if they have a referral program. So if you decide to sign up with CIS (assuming they do), please think of me, I send you the referral link. -
Didn't want to clog up the EspoCRM 5.8.0 thread with my post so will use this to discuss more Learning EspoCRM.
Like many CRM, compatibility change and server requirement need more.
This post talk about Hosting
I'm currently on a quest to find a new host, been meaning to since last year but never gotten around to it as research tend to take quite long but wanting to invest in EspoCRM we want to make this change.
Currently the new v5.8.0 demand higher version of essential tools: PHP 7.2 (planning to be 7.4 soon in the future I assume with EspoCRM 6.0?). And MySQL 5.7, both of which version my hosting does not have unless it is Delicate or VPS.
This thread will talk about hosting alternative you can use and some information I manage to find out during my research.
Update to be in Edit and a work in progress post.
Finally completed my research and did not want to look for any more. Do you have any that you would recommend before we decide on choosing one?
Based on my note it look like I'm leaning toward (undecided). Full table below:
Some note: All $ is considered in USD as that what is usually display on their website. Most price will take as Mid-range Shared hosting, as low range is usually restricted. Price round up if it .95 or .99 (e.g $1.99 will be listed as $2). Price is taken as advertised (usually they show price when you sign up long term plan).
PHP version is list highest that we can use.[/code]Host: Fastcomet:
Version: PHP 7.3 and MySQL 5.7
Demo: None. 45 days money back guarantee.
Cost: $15 ($5 per month promo)
Server Migration: Free
Other: Winter sale at the moment (first month only discount) $4.95Host:
Version: PHP 7. and MySQL 5. (also have PostgreSQL)
Demo: 90 days back guarantee
Cost: $14
Server Migration:
Other: 1-year contract $10 during discount. Not going to bother asking since server migration cost.Host:
Version: PHP 7. and MySQL 5.
Cost: $11 monthly
Server Migration: $99 with shared hosting
Other: $10 for Basic VPS? That sound OK. But their FAQ say that MySQL is shared server. Their chat was offline so didn’t find out more.Host:
Version: PHP 7.4 and MySQL 5.6 only?
Cost: $10 ($5 promo)
Server Migration: Free Migration
Other: Live Chat not available (need to be customer?). Only accept Contact form. It have CRM Hosting (EspoCRM is include along with many other). This look good. Server located in USA, Europe and Asia only. OK, you need to choose Technical Support rather than pre-sale. This will let you in for the Live Chat. But When I try Live chat I get this, “You are No.72 in the queue.” I think A2 Hosting will be too busy for me and look like they only got MySQL 5.6Host:
Version: PHP 7.4 and MySQL 5.6 (5.7 might be only for their Delicated hosting. Information update thanks to telecastg)
Cost: $25 (promo $8)
Server Migration: Only 1 free?
Other: Very good with PHP Upgrade (from a Blog post I read of theirs). They got a cool chat system. But just notice their Web Space is very limited in size (20GB). Siteground is not considered by us at this stage. They don’t use CPanel and create their own version. Might be good and bad.Host:
Version: PHP 7.2 and MySQL 5.7
Cost: $16 (need Pro for Unlimited website)
Server Migration: Free transfer
Other: Their website look oddly familiar with one of the host above. I wonder if it the same company. Their Livechat is rather ugly. Talked to John Be. Quite a nice guy, go back to him if I choose InMotion- Email: johnbe (@) inmotionhosting (.) comHost:
Version: PHP 7.0 and MySQL 5.6
Cost: $22 (converted) ($9 promo)
Server Migration: Too expensive. $224 (convert). Out of candidate.
Other: I remember last year I considered them to be a candidate. They convert Currency to my country, well that a first. After I finish the chat I notice it look familiar, it look like my host HostGator, currently that their version support is the same I think BlueHost probably own by same Company.Host: hostgator
Version: PHP 7.1 and MySQL 5.6
Server Migration:
Other: Don’t bother with Hostgator. They don’t support it at this stage, I’m currently with them.Host:
Version: PHP 7.3 and MySQL 5.6
Cost: $15 (promo $6)
Server Migration: Free
Other: They support Green energy. That cool. They were the first I talked with but I didn’t note it down. Thank Meg D.!Host:
Version: PHP 7.3 and MySQL 5.6 (MariaDB 5.7)
Cost: $7
Server Migration:
Other: First one I see, “FFmpeg Support”. Does that mean other host can’t do Video conversation and the like?Host:
Version: PHP 7.3 and MySQL 5.7 (8.0 is for Dedicated server only)
Demo: 91 days money back
Cost: $13 (promo $4)
Server Migration: Free
Other: They use third party. Hard to get an account. Might not be telling the truth reason. NOT RECOMMENDEDHost:
Version: PHP 7. and MySQL 5.
Cost: $11
Server Migration:
Other: No Free SSL Certificate. Disappointing considering there is Let’s Encrypt.Host:
Version: PHP 7.2 and MySQL 5.7
Cost: $5
Server Migration: Cost (Unknown)
Other: No live chat so have to use their Ticket support system. Server Migration not is additional cost which clearly layout in their /servers/server-migration
page. Probably not going to go with them for now.Last edited by esforim; 01-24-2023, 06:18 AM.Leave a comment:
> However it seem like I can't just change the Fetch date?
Yes. There are some technical constraints in IMAP protocol, there's no reliable elegant way to do it. I recommend to deactivate an email account record and duplicate it. Then it will be possible to set a new date.Leave a comment:
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