Learning EspoCRM and Design

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  • telecastg
    #Contact/view/1234567 is actually a routing call: You are requesting a controller "Contact" to execute the action "view" on the entity id "1234567". In other words: "show me Contact id 1234567"

    This is how you request a single record (detail) view.

    To request a list of Contacts the call would be #Contact

    You can learn how all these calls are made by looking at the web address in your browser when you click a side menu item or on a record in list view
    Last edited by telecastg; 07-08-2020, 06:53 AM.

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  • esforim
    Just discover this today and never noticed it before although I create a few of them.

    From email field you can create thing such as Task, Case, Documents, etc. Most of the time I just create them and set it as complete (because when I create when I worked on it).

    Anyway I made a Task which was incomplete so I decide to view it and notice a Blue (hyperlinked) text on my Description. Upon reviewing and editing the link I found that: (1) the link is clickable and (2) it link to the email!

    Anyway this field only seem to work in Description due to some special coding I suppose. You can create you own manually by using this type of code:


    This code above is just an example, let break it down:
    The "Test" is the Link name, it need to be within the [ ] bracket.
    The #contact/view/123 is the hyperlink, #Contact is the entity (Can be Email, Account, etc), /view/ because you want to be able to look at the Contact in the Detailed view, lastly the 123 (fake number), this is the ID field, if you open any Contact/Email/Account you can grab this special unique ID (some kind of hash?)

    Once I learn how to Create Custom button I will add these type of feature, might also add this feature using formula once I can figure out a way it can be use.

    If anyone have a creative moment by using this Hyperlink method, let me know. Of course you can also do the thing such using Hyperlinks in a WYSIWYG field also.

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  • esforim
    commented on 's reply
    Cool. Something to keep in minds for future. I thought it will just load everything found in the folder so best to give it an 'invalid' path.

  • tothewine
    commented on 's reply
    There's fun to be had with drag & drop... https://forum.espocrm.com/forum/bug-...email-creation

  • tothewine
    commented on 's reply
    you can also probably just rename instead of moving since the autoloading would not find the classes if their path does not match the namespace

  • esforim
    I recently discover a two hidden feature that might not be noticeable:

    The First: Drag and drop field. Initially I was thinking, I don't think drag and drop is support, look like I will need to create a Feature request for it. But then I gave it a try and it worked! Drag and drop can be done for a Image field and even an Advanced WYSIWYG field too.

    Second Feature is relate to clock and time. It rather annoying having to type in time sometime (accurately), luckily espoCRM is relative smart about it (unlike their date). For example you can use these variation to get the for for, let say 05:30pm or 06:15am


    There is no need for the starting "0", nor do you need the colon :, and last don't need the "m". Quite a good shortcut if you write time frequently.

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  • esforim
    The Trial of using Extensions.

    I like to play with Extensions that I believe that will have use in the future or immediately. One of the extensions I came across is ayman.alkom (thanks for making this!)

    Unfortunately I ran into a bug which could be related or it may be something else. But here is my learning on how to fix EspoCRM when it may be broken. A post can be read here also: https://forum.espocrm.com/forum/feat...9248#post59248

    But here was my insight in fixing the problem.


    After I confirm that EspoPlus is the culprit in this bug. Here is how I finally manage to fix it. Not sure if this should added to EspoCRM as a bug report so that a situation like this doesn't prevent EspoCRM from "crashing".

    I dig around to see if it was something else that caused the problem and not EspoPlus, but digging further reveal that it must be related to EspoPlus because I haven't really made any changes my CRM and the error indicated it due to EspoCRM.

    I have already uninstall the extension so should help fix the problem but thinking that maybe some folder or file still remain.
    So I research on where the extension file could be located. There was two folder that I found:


    I move the Extensions folder that I believe to be bugged somewhere else (rather than deleting). By moving it I can always move it back, if I delete it then I would have to restore or reupload it if it not the extension that causing the problem.

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  • esforim
    My learning is slowing down as it is a "Start using phase", however today I need to fix a mistake during the initial design phase, I added "Auto-numering" to each contact (and all other entity) to make it easier to give that contact a Unique numbers for update and searching. However I didn't add these numbering until later after quite a few Record has been added. Now I end up with a few hundreds Record without an numbers, which is OK if I don't need to access them but if I start using them I will need to assign them a numbers.

    There was a few method I could think of adding a number, first to use myPHPAdmin and manually fill it in. Second is through using Import, Third is to create a Duplicate or renew.

    The solution is: Duplicate and Merge.

    I made a duplicate of the contact, then I merge the data. This kept (hopefully) my link intact while it added the numbering.

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  • esforim
    How to use CRM. There are plenty of guide out there on how to use, but since I wrote down on how I used CRM system (partially written), I thought it might be useful for new comer that may have the same question.

    Last edited by esforim; 01-22-2021, 12:53 AM.

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  • esforim
    commented on 's reply
    Update: Here is how it was design by the developer (Yurikuzn) https://forum.espocrm.com/forum/gene...8878#post58878

  • esforim
    Today I learn how to use the "ifThenElse" and "ifThen" formula code. Full insight is found here: https://forum.espocrm.com/forum/gene...8865#post58865

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  • esforim
    commented on 's reply
    tothewine fixed. Thanks

  • tothewine
    commented on 's reply
    the link is malformed :\

  • esforim
    A new feature that manage to fast track its way into EspoCRM 5.9.2! I could not wait for it to be release so I decide to manually patched the update. Please read this to learn more on how to use the Print2PDF Maps.

    Want to print the Map in my PDF, is it possible? I don't quite see it as a field and Document docs.espocrm.com/ make no mention of it either. (PS: Purposely used Maps and PrintPDF because forum can't search 3 letter words)


    After that I delve into the PDF printing further. Here is my result from trial and error for those that interested in an in-sight to my "problem solving".

    I'm trying to PDF multiple attachment field through PDF template but having no luck with it. Tried a various different code but still fail. Was about to post if anyone know if it possible and how to?

    I have tried variation of these code, there even more code that I deleted or didn't keep it saved:

    Test 1 - fail
    {{#each imagesNames}}

    Test 2 - fail
    {{imageTag imagesIds width=50 height=50}}
    {{imageTag imagesNames width=50 height=50}}

    Test 3 - working, can get name. This mean that these Multiple file attachment field is an array.
    {{#each imagesNames}}

    Test 4 - working, can give ID.
    {{#each imageTag imagesIds}}

    Test 5 - fail
    {{#each imagesIds}}
    {{/each}} }}

    Test 6 - fail
    {{#each imageTag imagesIds}}
    {{/each}} }}

    Test 7 - fail. So I thought but amazingly it worked!!!
    {{#each imagesIds}}
    {{imageTag ./this}}
    {{/each}} }}
    Last edited by esforim; 05-26-2020, 01:51 AM.

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  • esforim
    Second new discover is the "Auto Complete" and "Trim" feature. The Auto-Complete, it doesn't work with all field unfortunately. It work best with varchar field type. It call "Option" Man, I'm so stupid. Finally understood what the "Trim" option for. I thought it was to "hide long text" but it to remove extra space at the front and back, I used this command in Excel but didn't think about it in relation to EspoCRM See: https://docs.espocrm.com/user-guide/...ressions/#trim

    The second feature is "Auto Complete", in your varchar field you may see a field (Entity Manager) call "Option", if you fill out this field with a list of frequently use text, when you click on the field during Creating or Editing it will pop up as a "Auto Complete" or "History". No need for tutorial for either of these two as it quite straight forward.

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