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Currency Fields - unable to update amounts

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  • Currency Fields - unable to update amounts

    Currency Fields - unable to update amounts
    there are no rules or permissions making it read only!
    However the inline edit seems to work itself just not when clicking on the main edit button

    Current version: 8.3.5
    PHP Version: 8.2.8
    MariaDB version: 10.3.39
    Attached Files

  • #2
    maybe some old custom work from front end js views.
    Web Dev | Freelancer


    • rabii
      rabii commented
      Editing a comment
      Did you check the field in the entityDefs as from the pic this must be a custom entity. Also check if the field has a dynamic logic applied to it.

    • khopper
      khopper commented
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      rabii can you please specify the exact directory within espo so that I can check? I can not find anything regarding customizations that would cause this.

    • rabii
      rabii commented
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      You need to check two files. first one under custom\Espo\Custom\resources\metadata\entityDefs\Y ourEntity.json and here check the field you mentioned and make sure that it doesn't have any custom view assigned to it. Also under same custom directory make sure that the detail view of your entity doesn't have any logic that make the field readOnly check custom\Espo\Custom\resources\metadata\clientDefs\Y ourEntity.json and see under recordViews if there are any detail / edit custom views assigned.

  • #3
    Take a screenshot of those Field setting and Conditional Setting.


    • khopper
      khopper commented
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      For example field "phonesystemlp" labeled as "Phone System Lease Payment" the only option enabled on this field is for "Audited" nothing else is selected at all! Dynamic Logic is all default and has not been modified.

  • #4
    esforim here is an actual screen shot of the field I am referring to "Clipboard02.jpg"
    Attached Files


    • #5
      I wanted to mention that I uninstalled 2 x 3rd party extensions and it did not change the outcome!

      1. Stream pro
      Full Time and Date for EspoCRM Stream Notes. Contribute to Kharg/stream-pro development by creating an account on GitHub.

      Hello, I wrote a small extension to replace the datetime-short with just datetime in the stream as I always hated not seeing the full datetime and editing the original note.js is not upgrade safe. It works by replacing the text with the text shown by hovering the mouse, so it's upgrade safe. I tested it on various instances

      ​2. stream-modified-at
      Greetings, I would like a stream entry to affect the modified at entry. At the moment placing a comment in the stream of a contact does not change when the modified value. Would anyone be able to point me in the right direction, please? Mike


      • #6
        rabii esforim yuri
        Found out the issue, If a currency field is in both the "Layout Detail" and in the "Side Panel Fields" this is what is causing the problem! If I remove it from 1 or the other views the problem goes away!


        • rabii
          rabii commented
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          Thanks for sharing.

        • esforim
          esforim commented
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          Wow, would this be consider a bug?