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EspoCRM v8.2 released

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  • EspoCRM v8.2 released

    • Applying time zone for scheduled jobs #2936
    • Ability to define custom order to apply when selecting related records #2941
    • Filling email address when compose email from Base Plus entity #2942
    • PDF: Ability to define CSS in Templates #2949
    • Wysiwyg: Code view improvements #2951
    • PDF: Iteration with attribute #2952
    • Config override #2916
    • Import: Relate by foreign field #2956
    • Ability to override API routes #2962
    • Link-Parent field: Parameter to enable autocomplete on empty input #2963
    • Roles: UX improvements #2968
    • Calendar: Slot duration parameter in preferences #2971
    • Emails: Record search when adding email addresses #2973
    • Navbar tabs with custom URLs #2974
    • Panel notes #2977
    • Formula: entity\clearAttribute function #2980
    • Adding prefix to entity type, field & link names #2988
    • Primary filter in URI parameter in list view #2990
    • Relationship Manager: Ability to specify select primary filter #3002

    • Decreasing max length of City, Country & State fields #2986

    All issues:

    Upgrade notes:
    • All classes from Espo\Modules\Crm\Repositories namespace have been removed. If you extend any of these classes in your customizations, extend from Espo\Core\Repositories\Database instead. Fix before upgrading.
    • All classes from Espo\Modules\Crm\Services namespace and some classes from Espo\Services namespace have been removed. If you extend any of these classes in your customizations, extend from Espo\Services\Record instead. Fix before upgrading.​
    Last edited by yuri; 04-03-2024, 08:00 AM.

  • #2
    If you have issues with upgrade, please create a separate topic in the Installation and Upgrade Help section.​


    • #3
      Congratulations on the release

      another piece of art


      • item
        item commented
        Editing a comment
        Hi Kharg,

        master piece of art
        state of art..

        i don't know another for describe Yuri work.

      • Kharg
        Kharg commented
        Editing a comment
        A masterpiece

    • #4
      Even if it means again work for me, I am very happy with the development of espoCRM. Whenever I miss something, it`s only matter of time and it appears. Thus I miss something only temporarily.
      Thank you for your efforts, Yuri!


      • #5
        Thanks Yuri,
        i love many think in 8.2v
        but i don't like "Adding prefix to entity type, field & link names", it's just my opinion but i used config param to disable it. This remember me "sugarcrm" :s

        Thanks many


        • yuri
          yuri commented
          Editing a comment
          Otherwise, whenever we add a new field, link or entity, we have multiple user with the name conflict problem that sometimes hard to solve. The only disadvantage of prefixes is ridiculously small: not so nicely looking internal name. We could not implement it, but who then would spend time fixing naming conflict issues for our users?

        • item
          item commented
          Editing a comment
          Hi Yuri,
          Yes you are right, i understand more, i see with my position (user -> espocrm) .. you see with your position (espocrm -> user).

          Many thanks still discover all new ehancement

      • #6
        Another great release, i am in love with the new pagination 🔥🔥🔥 just curiously what changed if i remember yuri was againt pagination and even it was commented to be remove in future.

        The light theme as default is 👌

        Thanks for this beautiful release
        Web Dev | Freelancer


        • yuri
          yuri commented
          Editing a comment
          I did not want having only one option available: pagination vs show-more. With both working together it's fine. The pagination that was implemented before was in a very raw state, it took me dozen of hours to implement the new pagination. But even now it has some limitations.

        • rabii
          rabii commented
          Editing a comment
          Yes the current implementation is way better having both show-more and pagination working together is a beautiful option.
          what are the limitations now 👀?
          Thanks for such beautiful work 👏

        • yuri
          yuri commented
          Editing a comment
          Pagination does not store row selection. But I think maybe it's for good.

      • #7
        Still playing with new update but jumped from 8.1.5 to 8.2.1, I guess it skipped 8.2.0 directly.

        Also, if you have Real Estate (free) extension, be sure to update it to v1.8 else you will get an error during upgrade.


        • #8
          "Pagination" so there is no way to enable this in the GUI? Must go through config.php file?

          Anyway here to show off some feature and "how-to" as sometime we not sure how to take advantage of update.

          Look like there is now "Tab" for some of the admin setting:
          Click image for larger version

Name:	image.png
Views:	770
Size:	16.4 KB
ID:	104371

          Now Primary Filter is shown, but I can't seem to find where to add/edit/remove these. (EDIT: Need to do it in file manager/php edit, not possible with GUI) (Or use Advanced extension)
          Click image for larger version

Name:	image.png
Views:	684
Size:	16.6 KB
ID:	104372

          Here is where you can choose "Filter" option when we do relationship linking. Very cool! For example, we have "City of Birth" as a location, previously I will have to do filter, now we can just choose the Filter by default!

          Click image for larger version

Name:	image.png
Views:	656
Size:	78.3 KB
ID:	104373

          PDF Template, here is the style. It is on the very bottom section of PDF Template. Please share your style! It is CSS? Look like we can make very fancy PDF template now (if you are not incompetent like me)
          Click image for larger version

Name:	image.png
Views:	636
Size:	6.6 KB
ID:	104374

          And that all I manage to find. There is also some information (photo) inside the Github issue so I didn't bother.
          Last edited by esforim; 04-03-2024, 08:17 AM.


          • esforim
            esforim commented
            Editing a comment
            Hi yuri I will update.

          • yuri
            yuri commented
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            Mind that some new features may not yet be supported by custom themes right after release.

          • esforim
            esforim commented
            Editing a comment
            Seem to be no useful aside from 1 minor CSS color so far. So compatibility wise it all good.

        • #9
          Oh stupid of me, I found it. Why couldn't I find it previously? Guess I didn't scroll down far enough and my file manager couldn't search for it.

          Ignore the #3000+ lines, that due to me adding about 2000(?) of City listing.

          Click image for larger version  Name:	image.png Views:	0 Size:	7.5 KB ID:	104358

          rabii that what I said I think we have to create it manually in some .php file.


          • #10
            Hello, I am creating a new field named 'operation':
            Click image for larger version

Name:	image.png
Views:	629
Size:	18.5 KB
ID:	105130
            After save name is changed to 'cOperation'. What does this letter c at the beginning mean and why does it appear? Can it be avoided?
            Click image for larger version

Name:	image.png
Views:	552
Size:	20.6 KB
ID:	105131​​


          • #11
            Paulina c is for "custom". That's a decision of yuri to mark custom fields with prefix "c" in field names and custom entity names. It'll be only in code, you can still set your own labels. Field can be created through code without this prefix.

