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Personalization of invitation e-mails

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  • Personalization of invitation e-mails

    Hello community!
    First of all thanks to everyone developing this CRM - finally somthing working out of the box.

    While playing around with all the features, I thought it would be nice to personalize invitation emails, i.e. to beginn with "Dear Mr. XXX", so every attendee gets his personal invite. Unfortunetaly i was not able to find a working expression to the email template or with other words: is there an expression wich can be added?

    Thanks and cheers

  • #2
    Hi hamster,

    Perhaps the following threads will be helpful:

    In this tutorial you can find out how to easily create template for EspoCRM in mjml application. Mjml application:


    • #3
      Gonna have a look into it - havent found them by my own. Thanks for the fast reply.


      • #4
        Even the links are very helpfull for the future, I am looking for a possibility to personalize the invitation email, wich can be send i.e. for a meeting.


        • #5
          I am also looking for the right ShortTag.

          But I haven't found it yet.

          From User.Name to User.Firstname etc everything tried.
          Sometimes with a { }, with 2 or with brackets.​

          Hello all, is there somewhere a listing which shorttags are available in the template manager? -> /#Admin/templateManager I wanted to personalize the mail notifications a bit, e.g. Hello "UserName", but neither User.firstName, Username or similar is accepted. Too bad there is not the function like in


          • #6
            Hi hamster,

            I tried to answer your question in the following post, please check it:


            • #7
              We made that with additional fields and formula:

              // Formelle Briefanrede

              ifThenElse(salutationName == 'Mr.', briefanrede= string\concatenate('Sehr geehrter Herr ', lastName, ','));
              ifThenElse(salutationName == 'Ms.', briefanrede= string\concatenate('Sehr geehrte Frau ', lastName, ','));
              ifThenElse(salutationName == 'Herr Dr.', briefanrede= string\concatenate('Sehr geehrter Herr Dr. ', lastName, ','));
              ifThenElse(salutationName == 'Frau Dr.', briefanrede= string\concatenate('Sehr geehrte Frau Dr. ', lastName, ','));
              ifThenElse(salutationName == 'Herr Dipl.-Ing.', briefanrede= string\concatenate('Sehr geehrter Herr Dipl.-Ing. ', lastName, ','));
              ifThenElse(salutationName == 'Frau Dipl.-Ing.', briefanrede= string\concatenate('Sehr geehrte Frau Dipl.-Ing.', lastName, ','));
              ifThenElse(salutationName == null, briefanrede= 'Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,');

              // Informelle Briefanrede

              ifThenElse(salutationName == 'Mr.', briefanredeinformell= string\concatenate('Hallo Herr ', lastName, ','));
              ifThenElse(salutationName == 'Ms.', briefanredeinformell= string\concatenate('Hallo Frau ', lastName, ','));
              ifThenElse(salutationName == 'Herr Dr.', briefanredeinformell= string\concatenate('Hallo Herr Dr. ', lastName, ','));
              ifThenElse(salutationName == 'Frau Dr.', briefanredeinformell= string\concatenate('Hallo Frau Dr. ', lastName, ','));
              ifThenElse(salutationName == 'Herr Dipl.-Ing.', briefanredeinformell= string\concatenate('Hallo Herr Dipl.-Ing. ', lastName, ','));
              ifThenElse(salutationName == 'Frau Dipl.-Ing.', briefanredeinformell= string\concatenate('Hallo Frau Dipl.-Ing.', lastName, ','));
              ifThenElse(salutationName == null, briefanredeinformell= 'Hallo ');

              // Informelle Briefanrede Guten Tag

              ifThenElse(salutationName == 'Mr.', briefanredeInformellgt= string\concatenate('Guten Tag Herr ', lastName, ','));
              ifThenElse(salutationName == 'Ms.', briefanredeInformellgt= string\concatenate('Guten Tag Frau ', lastName, ','));
              ifThenElse(salutationName == 'Herr Dr.', briefanredeInformellgt= string\concatenate('Guten Tag Herr Dr. ', lastName, ','));
              ifThenElse(salutationName == 'Frau Dr.', briefanredeInformellgt= string\concatenate('Guten Tag Frau Dr. ', lastName, ','));
              ifThenElse(salutationName == 'Herr Dipl.-Ing.', briefanredeInformellgt= string\concatenate('Guten Tag Herr Dipl.-Ing. ', lastName, ','));
              ifThenElse(salutationName == 'Frau Dipl.-Ing.', briefanredeInformellgt= string\concatenate('Guten Tag Frau Dipl.-Ing.', lastName, ','));
              ifThenElse(salutationName == null, briefanredeInformellgt= 'Guten Tag ');​


              • #8
                Found this allready using the search function. Your solution is great but doesnt it work only in "normal" / workflow mails? I am looking for a solution to insert at least the name of the adressee into the standard invitation mail.


                • #9
                  I think you can use the fields for the standard invitation because they are at the same table. But i did not tried that, we don't use them there.


                  • #10
                    This only works if the meetings parent is a contact using {{parent.lastName}}. If the parent is anything else, it does not work anymore. Maybe there is something else than "parent" - like using the name of the adressee of the email instead?


                    • #11
                      With the same table it was meant e.g. lastName. If you use a reference to that (parent.x) it may work. But not if you want to reference to a reference of parent.x. At the E-Mail table there is (as far as I know) only a reference to contactID if the E-Mail adress is referenced to a contact. At this point you would have only a chance to fill additional fields in the table or in referenced table, not at the reference of the reference table. For some applications you could use views for a solution but the performance is not well with views and I don't know if Espo supports that kind of and it won't be a well solution either i guess.

                      We use other tools for workflows, too. Like n8n communicates with Jira Ticket System (Atlassian) or Documents written by Webdav from iPad to Nextcloud, transfered to Espo by outgoing Webhook (Nextcloud) and linked to Espo Entities automaticaly by PDF parsing with keywords via the API of Espo. Right now we try to communicate with Outlook / O365 to create Draft E-Mails for Software-Releases (Gitlab). But I don't do that alone, we have a team of developers to automize business processes.

                      Alternatively you could try to design a BPM with Espo, I did that last time here:
                      E-Mail Notification for an assigned task is not working at all under this circumstances: Steps to reproduce (EspoCRM 7.4.6) 1) User Prefences the following hooks are set: - ​Email notifications upon assignment - Email notifications about mentions in posts​ - Email assignment notifications (all set, including tasks) User


                      • #12
                        deletet wrong post
                        Last edited by macistda; 06-16-2023, 10:03 AM.

