E-Mail Notification for an assigned task is not working at all under this circumstances:
Steps to reproduce (EspoCRM 7.4.6)
1) User Prefences the following hooks are set:
- Email notifications upon assignment
- Email notifications about mentions in posts
- Email assignment notifications (all set, including tasks)
User Prefences the following hook is not set:
- Email notifications about posts and status updates
2) Create a new task and assign it to an other user than yourself who has set the hooks as described
The "Espo\Tools\EmailNotification\Jobs\NotifyAboutAssi gnment" Job is not created for tasks.
Info: For other entities (opportunties, calls, case) it is created correctly.
If the hook for "Email notifications about posts and status updates" is set true then the Job "Espo\Tools\EmailNotification\Jobs\NotifyAboutAssi gnment" is created for tasks, too.
Workaround could be designing a BPM for sending E-Mail notification for tasks.
Same was described here I think:
Steps to reproduce (EspoCRM 7.4.6)
1) User Prefences the following hooks are set:
- Email notifications upon assignment
- Email notifications about mentions in posts
- Email assignment notifications (all set, including tasks)
User Prefences the following hook is not set:
- Email notifications about posts and status updates
2) Create a new task and assign it to an other user than yourself who has set the hooks as described
The "Espo\Tools\EmailNotification\Jobs\NotifyAboutAssi gnment" Job is not created for tasks.
Info: For other entities (opportunties, calls, case) it is created correctly.
If the hook for "Email notifications about posts and status updates" is set true then the Job "Espo\Tools\EmailNotification\Jobs\NotifyAboutAssi gnment" is created for tasks, too.
Workaround could be designing a BPM for sending E-Mail notification for tasks.
Same was described here I think: