BPM failure when sending an email

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  • esendino
    Senior Member
    • May 2019
    • 159

    BPM failure when sending an email

    I have a process that has been excuted thousands of time without issue

    But I gor problems with one record

    Obviously my first approach was thinking that some data was wrong with that record. I have reviewed the data and everything seems ok

    So, any idea of what could be the problem with this iI should

    The process is as follows
    Click image for larger version

Name:	image.png
Views:	249
Size:	63.7 KB
ID:	92705
    I dont get into all the compexities of the process, because all I need is to undertand where to look

    The send task is very similar in the 3 cases. One variable for the send to field and the rest are fixed data.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	image.png
Views:	182
Size:	26.1 KB
ID:	92706

    The log is providing this information (dont understand what really means)

    Click image for larger version

Name:	image.png
Views:	180
Size:	10.4 KB
ID:	92707
    ​I have verified that the send to variable has the right value. But not sure what else should I review. As mentioned this process has been properly executed many, many times

    Thansk in advance for any help
  • victor
    Active Community Member
    • Aug 2022
    • 819

    Hi esendino,

    I managed to reproduce your case.

    When we specify a false variable or a false email address in the To Email Address field (screenshot 1), our BPM starts the sending process, which first goes to Pending, and only then to Failed (screenshot 2).
    As a result, our process terminates with a send error and our BPM stops there.

    As a test, try specifying a valid email or a valid variable in the To Email Address field and run your BPM.​
    Attached Files


    • esendino
      esendino commented
      Editing a comment
      Thanks a lot for your comment.

      Had the issue with one specific record. Never before and never after.

      Reviewed it and everything looked fine

      The data was correct (the variable has a correct email address).
  • rabii
    Active Community Member
    • Jun 2016
    • 1270

    I have experienced such error but found best way to do it is to add https://docs.espocrm.com/administrat...event-boundary which works perfect so you can catch the error and notify someone or yourself this way you avoid interrupting the execution of the flowchart. see an example in attached screenshot which has a wrong email address and it catches the error and send a notification.

    Error Intermediate Event (Boundary) are very useful to help design a good flowchart. honestly BPMN is a very powerful tool, kudos to the team for such amazing product.

    Attached Files
    Web Dev


    • esendino
      esendino commented
      Editing a comment
      Your approach is very interesting to manage the error.

      And I fully agree with you: BPMN is a very powerful tool, kudos to the team for such amazing product.