Make a Case Read-Only When Status is Closed

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  • marcbeinder
    • May 2018
    • 68

    Make a Case Read-Only When Status is Closed

    Is there a way to make a case read-only when the status has been set to closed. I do not want a contact to be able to post to the stream or have emails update a case after the status has been set to closed.
  • lazovic
    Super Moderator
    • Jan 2022
    • 895

    Hi marcbeinder,

    You can at least turn off the Stream in an entity Case when the Case status is Closed. In this case, no one will be able to view the Stream and post to it.
    To do this, go to Administration > Entity Manager > Case > Layouts > Bottom Panels, click on the pencil in Stream and set Condition making panel visible: Status not equals Closed.

    As for emails: please describe the logic of how emails update your case so that we can make some kind of workaround for this as well.

    Last edited by lazovic; 11-08-2022, 07:48 AM.


    • eymen-elkum
      Active Community Member
      • Nov 2014
      • 472

      There is no easy way to do this without some espo coding skills, something like having custom detail view for case and set read only to true :

      EspoCRM – Open Source CRM Application. Contribute to espocrm/espocrm development by creating an account on GitHub.

      setup: function () {
          this.readOnly = true;
      CEO of Eblasoft
      EspoCRM Expert since 2014
      Full Stack Web Developer since 2008
      Creator of Numerous Successful Extensions & Projects​


      • marcbeinder
        • May 2018
        • 68

        lazovic Setting the stream to not visible won't work because I still want customers and users to be able to view the case history. Regarding emails, I'm using the standard functionality. What I would like to have happen is that if an email is received after a case has been closed, the case would not be updated.

        eymen-elkum I'm not super familiar with the Espo code base, but I'm open to learning. Could you please expand on how I would go about loading in a custom view?

        Some of what I'm planning may also require the Advanced Pack which is in the budget for December 2022 or January 2023.

        Thanks guys!!
        Last edited by marcbeinder; 11-08-2022, 03:46 PM. Reason: Accidentally posted to early.


        • esforim
          esforim commented
          Editing a comment
          If you want to learn the structure, might want to check out telecastg reference thread. He wrote how thing link and file relevant. Aside from that you can read the official documents I suppose.

          Search for in the link below: 3.13 Require Coding - Tutorials and Guide
          Contribute to o-data/EspoCRM-Learning-and-Design development by creating an account on GitHub.
      • marcbeinder
        • May 2018
        • 68

        Thank you!!


        • marcbeinder
          • May 2018
          • 68

          Okay so I've a basic understanding of how to create these custom views. However, I'm still a bit unclear on how to load different views conditionally based on a field. What I'm thinking I'll need to do is load a different view using the reference provided by esforim with the slightly different configuration from eymen-elkum.

          What I'm still not clear on, and may need to do a bit more research do understand, is how to switch the view that is loaded based on a field value. In this case, if Case Status is Closed, then load detail-closed.js instead of detail.js. Once I have that conditional piece figured out, I think I'll be ready to give this a shot!


          • telecastg
            Active Community Member
            • Jun 2018
            • 907

            Probably a easier way to accomplish this is to use a dynamic handler class, instead of creating a custom view class. It allows you to make GUI changes dynamically based on any logic conditions.


            • marcbeinder
              • May 2018
              • 68

              Thank you everybody for the help! I was able to piece together a solution using custom css applied by dynamic handers.


              • rabii
                rabii commented
                Editing a comment
                can you share what you have done it might help someone else

              • telecastg
                telecastg commented
                Editing a comment
                Excellent suggestion, please correspond to the assistance provided by publishing your solution.

                Every piece of code published becomes someone's example to follow.
            • esforim
              Active Community Member
              • Jan 2020
              • 2205

              Hi there, I just read your thread again and it seem like a nice idea!

              Being me without code skill, perhaps this is one solution you can adopt? Change the "assigned user" or "role" upon read. And this Role/User will lock out everyone from making edit (except the admin/boss).

              Not sure if that possible? There is an option for "read-only"

              "Conditions making field read-only​", but you have to edit this individually on field to field, so it kinda suck if you want to lock everything. Food for thought I suppose.


              • marcbeinder
                • May 2018
                • 68

                I’ll try to get is posted tonight. It’s a bit complicated and doesn’t make the case truly read only, but it does hide the stream submission box. It also configures case notifications to be sent from a no-reply email rather than the support email causing customers to need to login to reply to their support cases.

