As from the tile, I have given the portal role these privileges

But the portal user is not able to see the new status (ie. "Resolved") I have added to the Cases entity.
Also the portal user need to be able to open Cases I need to consider, so need to be able to assign them to me (regular user), but he is not able to select any user, and I didn't find any way to enable it

Finally as a regolar user I want to assign the Cases I open to the portal user, but he is listes only if I search for All users and not Active users, so that it's not possibile to assign the cases to him.
But the portal user is not able to see the new status (ie. "Resolved") I have added to the Cases entity.
Also the portal user need to be able to open Cases I need to consider, so need to be able to assign them to me (regular user), but he is not able to select any user, and I didn't find any way to enable it
Finally as a regolar user I want to assign the Cases I open to the portal user, but he is listes only if I search for All users and not Active users, so that it's not possibile to assign the cases to him.