Outlook calendar sync error

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  • mario_msg
    Junior Member
    • May 2023
    • 9

    Outlook calendar sync error

    Hi guys,

    in my log I see the following message occur since quite some time (serveral days, maybe even weeks):

    [2023-09-04 23:50:11] ERROR: Outlook Calendar sync: Outlook Oauth: Error after requesting GET https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/me/calendars('MkADM4ZjdlNmM2LTk5MzctNDkwZS1hNGFiLTd kOTVhNjFiM2E1NwBGAAAAAACe23nuzrFYR50tLy0jRUo2BwDAQ AFaJLMqSrDCFiJVlXELAAAA3Go8AABIor3DBj7FSq4S8ojoI3Y jAADYiS5SA=')/calendarView/delta; Reason: The sync state identified using the request token '1LELBEiivcMGPsVKrhLyiOgjdiMAA8ioPGjTMg' is not found [entryId=000000009EDB79EECEB158479D2D2F2D23454A3607 0048A2BDC3063EC54AAE12F288E82376230000E70D4ED60000 48A2BDC3063EC54AAE12F288E82376230003C8A83C680000].. Code: 410.​

    Can some point me in a direction where this could originate from ?

    Some of our users have Outlook Sync enabled, but I can't see which one is responsible for this behaviour.

    Thanks a lot in advance,
  • Vadym
    Super Moderator
    • Jun 2021
    • 349

    Hi mario_msg,

    Please provide screenshots of Administration -> Extensions and External Accounts -> Outlook to investigate this issue further.
    What EspoCRM version do you use?
    Does Outlook integration work correctly?


    • mario_msg
      Junior Member
      • May 2023
      • 9

      Hi Vadym,

      here are the screenshots you requested.

      In my case Outlook is disabled in the external accounts.
      But some other users have this enabled.

      EspoCRM version is 7.4.5

      Last edited by mario_msg; 09-06-2023, 05:21 AM.


      • macistda
        • Jul 2022
        • 88

        Error 410 means the requested resource does not exist permanently or no longer exists. This is similar to error 404 (temporary error). The error codes are (standard) http error codes, not Espo error codes.
        If I have to guess, then the application ID or the client secret in the Azure (App Registrations) is no longer available or has expired.

        Check this in Espo and in Azure:
        Last edited by macistda; 09-06-2023, 07:19 AM.


        • mario_msg
          Junior Member
          • May 2023
          • 9

          Hi macistda,

          just to confirm that I got it right.
          You assume that the configuration of the extension is not valid anymore ?

          I haven't heard any complaints from the users regarding the Outlook Integration.
          But it may be possible that they only use Emails and not the calendar.

          The error seems to relate to the calendar part I guess.


          • macistda
            • Jul 2022
            • 88

            Of course it is possible that the azure app is not configured correctly. I would check there first to be sure it matches the instructions.
            The error message is from Microsoft API, request token...not found. Please take note, that Microsoft changed O365 accounts to forced TFA in the near past. Maybe some of your users haven't done that right now?


            • mario_msg
              Junior Member
              • May 2023
              • 9


              I have investigated this issue further.
              The configuration of the extension can be ruled out as root cause.

              Is it possible, that there exists a user that is not disabled and thus the background job tries to sync its data ?

              Next question would be: how can I find this user having only the information from the error message ?

              I can access the database, but I don't know in which tables this information is stored.


              • victor
                Active Community Member
                • Aug 2022
                • 819

                In fact, you need to decide whether you just want to get rid of the error in the vine, or whether you want each External Account to work as it should.
                If you just get rid of the error, it should be enough to disable the Enabled function for each User whose role allows the use of an External Account. To check this, you need to go to the profile of each of these Users and remove the check mark (screenshot 1). You can log in the profile of each of the Users using​ https://devcrm.it/how-to-log-in-as-a...er-in-espocrm/.

                If you want the synchronization with the Outlook Calendar to work properly for each of the Users whose roles allow the use of External Account, then you need to check again Outlook Integration extension: https://forum.espocrm.com/forum/exte...dule#post87562. Pay special attention to Client Secrets (screenshot 2), it may have expired and you should create a new one.​
                Attached Files

