Fallback authentication mechanism when LDAP fails
(Topic in the General Discussion forum)
08-27-2022, 02:16 AM
Filtering entities by related entity's properties
(Topic in the Developer Help forum)
07-15-2016, 12:35 PM
Finding an upcoming birthday without writing raw SQL
(Topic in the Developer Help forum)
03-21-2022, 12:05 PM
Generating raw SQL using queryBuilder and queryComposer
(Topic in the Developer Tutorials forum)
10-08-2023, 01:18 PM
Get entity related in many-to-many relation
(Topic in the Developer Help forum)
02-18-2018, 06:53 PM
GitHub organization for custom extensions by the community
(Topic in the Extensions forum)
02-07-2020, 06:21 PM
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