EspoCRM - Moving to another Server

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  • scalisto
    Junior Member
    • Nov 2021
    • 19

    EspoCRM - Moving to another Server

    Hello, team

    I'm contacting you for the purpose that you could help us moving our EspoCRM to another server.

    In our current server (CentOS 7, kernel-3.10.0-1160.2.2.el7.x86_64.rpm), we have our EspoCRM installed with the version 6.0.6, and we think this is one of the reasons we have been struggling with some bugs.

    I have consulted the documentation about how to do it, and it mentions that one of the steps is “Backup database” (mysqldump --user=YOUR_USER --password=YOUR_PASSWORD YOUR_DATABASE_NAME > "db.sql). But the problem is: we don’t have the credentials of mysql or even the credentials of phpMyAdmin of EspoCRM. I have tried to recover the credentials with some stuff on internet, but no success.

    Besides that, we want to install the latest version of EspoCRM (version 7.0.9) on Ubuntu Server (20.04) to try to surpass the bugs I have mentioned before, and we want to know if it will be any compatibility problem moving the EspoCRM (from one OS to another different OS + from one EspoCRM version to another EspoCRM version), or any risk of lose any information in our EspoCRM, since our company depends on the information there.

    Thank you verry much for your time.
  • item
    Active Community Member
    • Mar 2017
    • 1508

    the db credential is on file in espoCRM : data/config.php or data/config-internal.php

    If you could give the project a star on GitHub. EspoCrm believe our work truly deserves more recognition. Thanks.​


    • scalisto
      scalisto commented
      Editing a comment
      There it is! Thank you verry much!
  • shalmaxb
    Senior Member
    • Mar 2015
    • 1640

    You should not take your 6.06 files and try to put them into a new installation of 7.0.9. You should update first up to 7.0.9. Backup of your database is a must.


    • scalisto
      scalisto commented
      Editing a comment
      Thank you for the helpful advice!