Thanks! I backup daily but now that I have a dev version that will help in the future.
Upgrade destroyed something
telecastg this is great, however now that there is a new file "config-internal.php" where it looks like the salt/hash/crypt were moved to, can you think of any additional steps affecting logging in?
I "stay logged in" but as soon as the db finishes updating, Espo logs me out and I cannot get back in(500)
i did replace salt/hash/crypt and wondering if there is something else now that there is a new file?
the db looks good, i had exported earlier in another test using drop tables (i got an error with truncate version above)
there are some failed job errors I can't seem to disable trying to run via renaming a file etc, or disable it looking for the adv pack which i wont have with this new version and scheduled report jobs also probably from the advanced pack
tried also replacing "user" and "group" in the internal file
so close....any ideas?Last edited by crmclients; 10-19-2024, 08:44 AM.Comment
I'm like you! I'm scare to touch anything at the moment and just praying I stay logged.
I did try to copy/paste hash over but that doesn't seem to fix it (I think). I tried 1-2 times and it fail.
But interesting, were you on 8.4.3? Seem like this upgrade got some hidden bug that causing Permission error? Hence the failure.
esforim thanks so much for relaying your experience, I can't seem to get pass the login, I'm also trying locally on my WAMP instance but still struggling, of course I just sent my client a bill and 4 days now with their training instance is still Error 500
ThomasB sent me a link couple days ago so I can move from the original version to the same version which was 7.5.6, instead of trying to upgrade but no luck, still getting an error, Something somewhere is not letting go of something.
I seems to remember renaming, a long time ago, a folder to at least let the login work, like an Admin login folder, doesn't make sense maybe it was a fluke..also having trouble going the install page route, php version issue probably, but i can roll back via cpanel issue but still error 500...
out of ideas...Comment
My update to this saga is here for FYI:
I am getting the 500 again, all of a sudden, was fine a few days ago, and the directory "Espo\Core\Application" is not missing (config says it's on ver 7.5.6) Any ideas? Last time i think i renamed some folders and renamed it back - i thought it was fluke and that actually didn't fix it so I didn't note it but the