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Error 500 when opening EspoCRM

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  • #16
    It is a lot of guessing, because you seem to have a very particular installation (VirtualBox, Bitnami, espoCRM on an Ubuntu Server, selfhosted?, accessible from the nternet?). You see, many questions. I think the problem in your case is, that you are trying a very complicated setup without having sufficent skills. I will not blame you for that, but it is obviously, that, if you would like to work with espoCRM you should look for a far more simple way to install it.
    For example, it is possible to host espoCRM in a shared hosting (as for websites), if that hosting fullfills the pre-requisites for espoCRM (which in fact are not that exotic).

    This most recent error (Bus/Target.....) comes from VirtualBox.

    Extra tip for searching:
    Use a powerful search engine (as google) and there put in your search string, e.g. for the last error I put in "virtualbox (Bus/Target doesn`t exist)" from where I at least got the hint, that it has to do with VirtualBox. Before I tried "Bitnami (Bus/Target doesn`t exist)" without hints, and nothing when putting "espocrm (Bus/Target doesn`t exist)".
    If you look for solutions regarding espocCRM always prefer Google before the very limited search function in the forum itself. Google always will lead you to the respective possibilities to solve the problem in the forum.


    • #17
      I understand what you are saying and appreciate all of your help.

      My installation is on a Windows 10 PC. I am looking into installing this in a more simple/normal way. I have to say that the bitnami route was very simple and easy. It was a great way to try out many different CRM's to figure out which one works for me.

      Thanks for the search tip. I have found that google is better than the search function on most forums. I didn't find anything useful either when I did a search.

      Thanks again for all of your help!

