Account / Contact / Lead History Questions.

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  • Cuz
    • Aug 2023
    • 38

    Account / Contact / Lead History Questions.

    I wanted to know how history is recorded or stored. Other CRM's I have used seem to work differently than Espo. Correct me if I am wrong, but it seems that in order to make the Event history stay for Account, Contact or Lead it is necessary for the Event that is created to NOT be deleted from the Event (Calls for example).

    In other systems I have used this is the process.
    1) You plan a call.
    2) When done with the call you add info and mark it as completed
    3) Then that call is removed from the Call List and added to the contact history or Stream.
    4) You can go the the contact and see the history and see what actions (Call, email etc.) were taken and when as well as the notes
    5) Example: 09/27/23 | Call | Left Message | Follow up regarding offer.

    In Espo is seems to work as follows:
    1) You plan a call.
    2) When done with the call you add info and mark it as completed
    3) Then that call is still on the Call List and Information is added to the contact history or Stream.
    4) You can go the the contact and see the history and see what actions (Call, email etc.) were taken and when as well as the notes
    5) If I delete a completed call from the call list, to clean it up, then the call is also deleted from the history of the Account, Contact or Lead,

    Once again, If I understand correctly, if I wanted to remove completed calls from the Calls list I would have to tell the Event (Calls) to ignore certain statuses or create some rules so that completed calls do not show up on the Call List.

    Basically the Account, Contact or Lead relies on the Calls list for it's history. It does not have it's own record of the history. Is that correct?

    Thank you for any and all help, Mike​
  • dreginald
    Senior Member
    • Sep 2018
    • 126

    You can manage with workflows. Attaching sreenshots of how I am managing. Attaching video


    • esforim
      Active Community Member
      • Jan 2020
      • 2205

      Hi Mike, look like you will be a very good contributor!

      Can't answer your question as it seem that you are using the VOIP/Call Extension?

      I can only comments that all these Call/Meeting/Email is related by Parent-Child relationship.
      And that "Active/History" is determine by Status field: "Plan = active" "Held = History". With EspoCRM 7.x (or is it 8.x) we can choose which Status decide if it Active or History.


      • dreginald
        Senior Member
        • Sep 2018
        • 126

        Yes. These screenshots and videos are with an integrated VoIP Account.

        From the Business Scenario, all call planning is made on the Parent Entity > Lead/Account/Contact, with a Date and Time of Next Followup, that is created as a report in the dashboard to facilitate users to know whom to call.

        All calls happen in the backend (calls entity is not even brought to the User interface, except in the Bottom Panel of the Lead/Contact/Account with Lead>Calls Relationship (not parent).

        The purpose of CRM to have all past transactions visible in a beautiful and logical layout is achieved with this configuration


        • rabii
          Active Community Member
          • Jun 2016
          • 1270

          Originally posted by Cuz
          I wanted to know how history is recorded or stored. Other CRM's I have used seem to work differently than Espo. Correct me if I am wrong, but it seems that in order to make the Event history stay for Account, Contact or Lead it is necessary for the Event that is created to NOT be deleted from the Event (Calls for example).

          In other systems I have used this is the process.
          1) You plan a call.
          2) When done with the call you add info and mark it as completed
          3) Then that call is removed from the Call List and added to the contact history or Stream.
          4) You can go the the contact and see the history and see what actions (Call, email etc.) were taken and when as well as the notes
          5) Example: 09/27/23 | Call | Left Message | Follow up regarding offer.

          In Espo is seems to work as follows:
          1) You plan a call.
          2) When done with the call you add info and mark it as completed
          3) Then that call is still on the Call List and Information is added to the contact history or Stream.
          4) You can go the the contact and see the history and see what actions (Call, email etc.) were taken and when as well as the notes
          5) If I delete a completed call from the call list, to clean it up, then the call is also deleted from the history of the Account, Contact or Lead,

          Once again, If I understand correctly, if I wanted to remove completed calls from the Calls list I would have to tell the Event (Calls) to ignore certain statuses or create some rules so that completed calls do not show up on the Call List.

          Basically the Account, Contact or Lead relies on the Calls list for it's history. It does not have it's own record of the history. Is that correct?

          Thank you for any and all help, Mike​
          If you want the call to not show on the call list once it is status is (Held - Not Held) then you can apply a defaultFilter to the clientDefs of the call entity, meaning that when the call list is loaded it will be deafulted to show only planned calls (This way you don't loose the data but you just show what you need) , here is how you can do it go to custom/Espo/Custom/Resources/metadata/clientDefs and create a file Call.json then paste in the code below:

          PHP Code:
          "defaultFilterData": {

          Noticed that we are just using the existing primary filter Planned (meaning the system will always use this filter to list the calls).

          I hope this helps
          Last edited by rabii; 09-28-2023, 02:04 PM.
          Web Dev


          • Cuz
            • Aug 2023
            • 38

            Thanks to everyone for their input.

            dreginald – I like how the information is presented in the screenshots you provided. I do not understand how I could duplicate what you have with workflows. I am new to all of this so I don’t have much experience modifying Espo. From the video you provided it appears that you have created a customized Espo CRM. It looks great!

            I agree with what you said “The purpose of CRM to have all past transactions visible in a beautiful and logical layout is achieved with this configuration” I want to be able to quickly understand what my last touch point with a contact was and when I need to get back to them.

            espcrm - Thank you for the compliment. What you are saying about Active vs History makes sense to me.

            rabii – I think I understand what you are saying. Basically the information will still be on the Calls Entity but it will not be seen if the default filter is set to hide the calls that have the status of Held or Not Held. If I delete the call from the Calls entity it will be deleted from the history, correct?

            I do not know how to access the path you mentioned. “custom/Espo/Custom/Resources/metadata/clientDefs and create a file Call.json then paste in the code below:” I am new to this sort of thing.

            Can I do something similar by navigating to Administration >Entity Manager>Call>Fields>Status and then scroll down to the bottom and utilize the Dynamic Logic Conditions to make the Held and Not Held not visible? I have also included a screenshot.

            Thanks again,

            Dynamic Logic
            Conditions making field visible
            Conditions making field required
            Conditions making field read-only
            Conditional options
            Conditions making field invalid
            Last edited by Cuz; 09-29-2023, 05:33 AM.


            • rabii
              Active Community Member
              • Jun 2016
              • 1270

              hey Cuz

              If I delete the call from the Calls entity it will be deleted from the history, correct? YES THE RECORD WILL BE DELETED FROM ALL SYSTEM.

              If you have access to the folder of the application on your server you can locate these folders easily, it not difficult at all.
              Web Dev


              • Cuz
                • Aug 2023
                • 38

                Thanks again rabii for helping me.

                Sorry for the delay in getting back to you. I understand that I need to go to “custom/Espo/Custom/Resources/metadata/clientDefs and create a file Call.json then paste in the code below:” to make these changes but I do not know where that folder is.

                It might help to know what my set up is. I Have a Windows 10 PC. I installed Espo CRM (Version 7.5.5) on VirtualBox using a bitnami
                stack. The stack uses Debian Linux 11. Let me know if you need any additional info on this set up.​

                Do I go into Debian and locate the file there or do I go into phpMyAdmin or something else?


              • Cuz
                • Aug 2023
                • 38

                Thanks for taking the time to look up that information on bitnami.

                I navigated to C:/Program Files/Oracle/VirtualBox/Drivers and did not find anything useful.

                I think all the information listed on the bitnami site and the information you mentioned, in this instance, is in the Debian Linux.

                I imagine you already know this but this is how the bitnami stack works on my computer.

                1) I installed VirtualBox on my Windows 10 machine
                2) Downloaded the EspoCRM bitnami stack to my computer
                3) Opened the stack with VirtualBox

                1) Open VirtualBox
                2) Double click on EspoCRM
                3) A new window pops up - (EspoCRM (Running) - Oracle VM VirtualBox)
                4) Then I have to opena browser and navigate to the assigned http address to open and use Espo

                Here is a video that shows the installation and opening of application on VirtualBox. The opening process starts at 3:50.

                The screen that pops up in step 3 allows me to log into Debian.

                I logged in and navigated to opt/bitnami. I typed the "ls" command and it showed me everything that is in the bitnami directory.

                When I try to change directories into Espo it tells me "No such file or directory" It clearly shows "espocrm" as a directory.

                I don't know why I can't access the directories in the bitnami directory. I tried to access multiple directories and received the same response. I have included a screenshot that shows the directories that are in the bitnami directory.

                So maybe the question is how are your Linux skills? Would you be able to help​ me figure this out?

                If it helps, here is the bitnami link you provided previously.
                Last edited by Cuz; 10-04-2023, 09:02 PM.


                • esforim
                  esforim commented
                  Editing a comment
                  I'm not proficient but I think it should be just be
                  cd espocrm

                  not cd /espocrm

                  Maybe it doesn't matter. Can you go into other directory?

                • rabii
                  rabii commented
                  Editing a comment
                  Try cd espocrm as espcrm said. that should get you into the folder
              • Cuz
                • Aug 2023
                • 38

                Thanks for help esforim and rabii!

                You are right when you said that I didn't need the "/". I am now able to navigate to “custom/Espo/Custom/Resources/metadata/clientDefs" .

                My problem now is that I do not know how to make a file. I tried the 'touch" command and Linux said "Permission Denied​"

                I watched the following video and this guy said to use the "nano" command to create a text file.

                How should I go about making the "Call.json" file and enter the text you provided?


                • rabii
                  rabii commented
                  Editing a comment
                  you need to check if you have permission to create file / folder. check that with your hosting provider
              • Cuz
                • Aug 2023
                • 38

                Espo is in a bitnami stack, in VirtualBox on my PC. Wouldn't it be something that bitnami set up when they created the stack?

                I tried the Nano text editor and it tells me that the "[File 'Call.json is unwrtable ]

                Any ideas on how to proceed?

                Thanks again for all your help.


                • rabii
                  rabii commented
                  Editing a comment
                  to be honest i would advice you to use a popular webserver for local development like wamp or xamp. it will be much easier to develop espocrm
              • Cuz
                • Aug 2023
                • 38

                You are probably right. The bitnami stack made things really easy to compare other crm's to Espo. I have installed other applications using xamp.

                One thing I liked about the bitnami stack is that it set up IP address and that made it easy to access anywhere on my network.

                Do you know if I can do that if I install Espo using Xamp?

                Thanks again!


              • Cuz
                • Aug 2023
                • 38

                It has been a while since I've had time to work on this.

                I figured out how to get to “custom/Espo/Custom/Resources/metadata/clientDefs" and then open the Nano text editor.

                When I try to open a new file it pulls up a file that has the same name. I am unsure how to proceed.

                Do I paste it below the other code that is there or?

                Can anyone help me figure out how to make the changes I want for the calls entity?

                Thanks again for any and all help anyone can provide.
                Last edited by Cuz; 12-02-2023, 04:03 AM.

