Stuck on import

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  • Akemi
    Junior Member
    • Feb 2023
    • 19

    Stuck on import

    Hi !

    I have tried to import a few lines in a csv as leads. About 64 lines.
    I had a problem with matching the salutation field. Run the import a couple of times with even skipping the field.

    Now i have a problem that i have about 6 import attempts stuck in processing and also get 500 errors if i edit a some fields in a lead.

    Imports cannot be reversed because no records where imported according to the log. PHP log, no errors. Espolog gives a bunch of looooong errors like:

    [2023-06-08 10:27:01] ERROR: Slim Application Error Type: TypeError Code: 0 Message: Espo\Modules\Crm\Hooks\Lead\ConvertedAt::beforeSav e(): Argument Forum ($options) must be of type Espo\ORM\Repository\Option\SaveOptions, array given, called in
    and then a massive list of php files

    I think the database got screwed up after the import but i am not sure.

    Anyone any ideas??

    PS: forgot to mention, rebuild didn't solve anything.
    Last edited by Akemi; 06-08-2023, 12:13 PM.
  • victor
    Active Community Member
    • Aug 2022
    • 777

    What version of EspoCRM, php do you have? Can you add an import file for a more detailed look?
    Last edited by victor; 06-09-2023, 09:35 AM.


    • Akemi
      Junior Member
      • Feb 2023
      • 19

      Originally posted by victor
      What version of EspoCRM, php do you have? Can you add an import file for a more detailed look?
      Thanks for your reply. It's version 7.3.4.
      Enclosed an eddited version GDPR proof.

      Also wondering if i can remove the lines in de DB of imports which are still processing?
      Attached Files


      • victor
        Active Community Member
        • Aug 2022
        • 777

        - You did not announce the version of php.
        - You sent a .txt file, but for import you need a .csv (that's what I asked for).
        - Judging by your error, you have an instance problem, not an import problem. Try importing your file on another test instance.​

        Also wondering if i can remove the lines in de DB of imports which are still processing?
        In Administration > Import, delete the necessary import (screenshot 1).
        Attached Files


        • Akemi
          Akemi commented
          Editing a comment
          Ah sorry missed that one. PHP8.1.2
          This forum doesn't allow csv uploads so i rename it to txt.

          Yes i was thinking also an instance error. Could this be triggered by the import?

          PS: removing the logs gave me an error 500, although it did remove it.
          Last edited by Akemi; 06-09-2023, 12:38 PM.
      • victor
        Active Community Member
        • Aug 2022
        • 777

        This forum doesn't allow csv uploads
        Place the .csv file in a .zip archive (the forum will allow it). I am waiting for a file from you to test on my own instance.​

        Also, please tell me, have you tried importing your file to other instances?

        Yes i was thinking also an instance error. Could this be triggered by the import?
        I think not, but this will be a conversation for another topic, because we are discussing exactly the import, or rather its impossibility in your case.


        • Akemi
          Junior Member
          • Feb 2023
          • 19

          Originally posted by victor
          Place the .csv file in a .zip archive (the forum will allow it). I am waiting for a file from you to test on my own instance.​

          Also, please tell me, have you tried importing your file to other instances?

          I think not, but this will be a conversation for another topic, because we are discussing exactly the import, or rather its impossibility in your case.
          Just rename the txt to csv and you have the file. I did not put it in a text editor, just renamed the file so it came straight out of excel.
          Currently i do not have the option to create another instance. This instance is hosted.

          Thanks for your effort.


          • victor
            Active Community Member
            • Aug 2022
            • 777

            I've tested your file and there are generally no problems with the import except for the Salutation field (which caused a validation error if not Skipped).
            However, this error was also solved by removing the extra space before Mrs. That is, for the Salutation field, an acceptable value is "Mrs.", but " Mrs." - unacceptable.

            Click image for larger version  Name:	1.png Views:	0 Size:	9.7 KB ID:	93670

            You can try the edited file - it is imported normally.

            Currently i do not have the option to create another instance
            You can use the demo version or sign up for the cloud:

            also get 500 errors if i edit a some fields in a lead
            Regarding your instance problem, I assume that you chose convertedAt instead of createdAt when importing. This should not be done, because this field is responsible for the date of conversion from a lead to a Contact, Account or Opportunity. createdAt​ it is also better not to use it when importing.
            In this case, you can try to delete all leads that were created by import and all import logs from #Import/list.

            After that, make a rebuild -> create several leads -> try to make certain edits/changes in them. And after that, try to import again.
            Attached Files
            Last edited by victor; 06-13-2023, 10:40 AM.


            • Akemi
              Junior Member
              • Feb 2023
              • 19

              Originally posted by victor
              I've tested your file and there are generally no problems with the import except for the Salutation field (which caused a validation error if not Skipped).
              However, this error was also solved by removing the extra space before Mrs. That is, for the Salutation field, an acceptable value is "Mrs.", but " Mrs." - unacceptable.
              I know the field needs to be an exact match but Jees, how could i have missed that one!

              Originally posted by victor
              Regarding your instance problem, I assume that you chose convertedAt instead of createdAt when importing.
              I do not use those extra fields. Only assigned to and status.
              When i run it now it just gives a 500 error and stays in the import screen. In import results it shows the import but still as processing, nothing imported.

              One line in the logfile.

              Attached Files


              • victor
                Active Community Member
                • Aug 2022
                • 777

                - Have you tried deleting previously imported leads?
                - Are third-party (unofficial) extensions installed on your instance? If so, try to turn them off, do a Rebuild, and do the test again.
                - Have you made changes to the EspoCRM files?
                - Try to update your instance to the current 7.5.0 and do Hard Rebuild:
                Last edited by victor; 06-13-2023, 03:38 PM.


                • Akemi
                  Junior Member
                  • Feb 2023
                  • 19

                  Originally posted by victor
                  1 Have you tried deleting previously imported leads?
                  2 Are third-party (unofficial) extensions installed on your instance? If so, try to turn them off, do a Rebuild, and do the test again.
                  3 Have you made changes to the EspoCRM files?
                  4 Try to update your instance to the current 7.5.0 and do Hard Rebuild:
                  1. No, the last imports were from a while ago when there was no problem.
                  2. No extensions. Very plain Espo, no extra field or any other changes.
                  3. No, Espo is still Vanilla.
                  4. Yeah i was trying to avoid that but it seems i have to face the music. Or do a new install en put back the old database.


                  • victor
                    Active Community Member
                    • Aug 2022
                    • 777


                    Seems like your instance files are not working properly. At present, it's difficult to determine the cause. In your case, the best option would be to reinstall EspoCRM:

                    1. Make a full backup of your current EspoCRM instance and keep it in a safe place:
                    2. Delete the EspoCRM files from your hosting.
                    3. Install clean EspoCRM v7.5.1 instance. During installation, select your old database.
                    4. Delete /custom and /data folders from new instance and copy these folders from backup to the new instance.
                    5. Run Rebuild from CLI.​​
                    6. Try to do test Import.

                    After completing these steps, please provide feedback.


                    • Akemi
                      Junior Member
                      • Feb 2023
                      • 19

                      I have done the full backup.
                      I have done a CLI upgrade to 7.5.1. Amazingly no errors this time.

                      No more errors editting records. Only thing left is an error 404 not found the moment i press home. Reading on the forum here more people have this problem on 7.5.1
                      Ran the import and it ran without a hitch.

                      For now it's working and i don't see any other weird stuff. So lets hope the editing problem is solved now.

                      Thanks very much for your assistance victor ! You help is much appreciated. Pointing me in the right direction.

