I want to display a post with "Stream Post" in the "Leads" tab in the Comment column. How to do it? I need this tab to display the latest messages left by employees. Help me please...
Tags: None
You can write formula for Note which representing the stream rows from this link:
Code:ifThen( parentType == 'Case' && type == 'Post', record\update('Case', parentId, 'lastComment', string\concatenate(createdBy.name, ': ', post)); );
hello eymen, this is really cool, is there any reason why the formula of note entity is not accessible manually without modifying the URL? I did not know that you can cheat the system like that. -
The right answer is on Yuri side, but I think there are some limitations and potential issues may caused if this used incorrectly, such features will lead to bring more support needs and Espo team is already working full
To make sure you get only the latest post when a new one is create use the function like below:
PHP Code:ifThen(
entity\isNew() && parentType == 'Lead' && type == 'Post',
record\update('Lead', parentId, 'description', string\concatenate(createdBy.name, ': ', post));
Web DevComment
I went through the link
PHP Code:#Admin/entityManager/formula&scope=Note
PHP Code:
parentType == 'Lead' && type == 'Post',
record\update('Lead', parentId, 'lastComment', string\concatenate(createdBy.name, ': ', post)); )
entity\isNew() && parentType == 'Lead' && type == 'Post',
record\update('Lead', parentId, 'description', string\concatenate(createdBy.name, ': ', post));
Nothing happened. in Layouts there is no option to add a Last Comment column3 PhotosLast edited by coca22052022; 05-17-2023, 11:57 AM.Comment
Everything works fine, I see the last comment
How to remove the name of the person who wrote the comment?1 PhotoComment
Just remove createdBy.name like below:
PHP Code:ifThen(
entity\isNew() && parentType == 'Lead' && type == 'Post',
record\update('Lead', parentId, 'description', post);
Web DevComment
how to add a pencil next to the status, so that when clicked, a list with statuses pops up, and you can select a status.?
how to add a pencil next to the status, so that when clicked, a list with statuses pops up, and you can select a status.?
2 PhotosComment
if you want such behaviour you will have to code it yourself, otherwise there is an extension developed by telecastg which give you such functionality. check it out https://payhip.com/b/ZGQMHRabii
Web DevComment
I don't understand what happened, but now it doesn't work.
I write the link https://office-crm.ru/#Admin/entityM...ula&scope=Note
This link is throwing an error.
Help solve the error1 PhotoComment
Starting with version 7.5, EspoCRM has a choice between formula scripts: Before-save script and API Before-Save Script.
Therefore, now, in order to change the formula script for the Note entity, you need to follow the link of the following type: [your_instance_URL]/#Admin/entityManager/formula&scope=Note&type=beforeSaveCustomScriptComment
Hello lazovic, can you guide me on how to all users within a specific rule be allowed to send messages only to themselves + admin, and not to other users within the same rule?? Your help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.Last edited by Decepticon; 07-08-2023, 03:58 AM.
Starting with version 7.5, EspoCRM has a choice between formula scripts: Before-save script and API Before-Save Script.
Therefore, now, in order to change the formula script for the Note entity, you need to follow the link of the following type: [your_instance_URL]/#Admin/entityManager/formula&scope=Note&type=beforeSaveCustomScript
This does not work! I created a field: text - 'lastcomment' I followed the link:[your_instance_URL]/#Admin/entityManager/formula&scope=Note&type=beforeSaveCustomScript
WRITE a script
entity\isNew() && parentType == 'Lead' && type == 'Post',
record\update('Lead', parentId, 'lastcomment', post);
how to make it work?
how to make it work?