Display Task type in detail and list views

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  • xador
    Junior Member
    • Apr 2023
    • 12

    Display Task type in detail and list views

    Hello community,

    We would like to display the parent type (translated, the nice one, not just parentType like "SaleOrder") in the detail and list views of Tasks. It is only displayed by default when we want to update parent in detail view (see attached file).

    I had in mind to create a field that is filled by formula, but I do not know how the type could be displayed with its translated value, depending of the user preference language.

    Thank you for your ideas/solutions

  • Kharg
    Senior Member
    • Jun 2021
    • 440


    you didn't attach anything.


    • esforim
      Active Community Member
      • Jan 2020
      • 2205

      I haven't use the Translated feature yet but this thread may be relevant to you: https://forum.espocrm.com/forum/gene...email-template


      • xador
        Junior Member
        • Apr 2023
        • 12

        Hello everyone,
        Thank you for your answer esforim
        However, I do not think it is what I am looking for.
        I really try to display the parent's type of the task, like it is displayed when I edit the parent field. I want it to be shown in the detail view, and the list view.
        I add the forgotten screenshot.
        Thank you for your help.
        Attached Files


        • rabii
          Active Community Member
          • Jun 2016
          • 1265

          Originally posted by xador
          Hello community,

          We would like to display the parent type (translated, the nice one, not just parentType like "SaleOrder") in the detail and list views of Tasks. It is only displayed by default when we want to update parent in detail view (see attached file).

          I had in mind to create a field that is filled by formula, but I do not know how the type could be displayed with its translated value, depending of the user preference language.

          Thank you for your ideas/solutions

          if you set up the translation correctly on the system, then the user will see the exact value you set on the translation manager, here you can change the name of everything go to administration > labelManager and choose the language and select Task and just name the sales order what ever you want for that specific language.
          Web Dev


          • xador
            Junior Member
            • Apr 2023
            • 12

            Sorry. I think I was not clear .

            We want to add a field in the Task entity that we could add to layouts to display clearly what is the type of the parent in the detail view and the list view.

            At the moment, by default in espocrm, we only see this information when we edit the task parent fields (see my screenshot).

            We have not found an elegant solution yet.


            • esforim
              Active Community Member
              • Jan 2020
              • 2205

              I think I get what you want to do. Right now you want the Parent "SaleOrder" to always show? Because it only get shown when you in Edit view?

              If so then you can use Formula, create a new Varchar field, you can call it something like ParentTypeTranslate, make it Read Only so people can't manually change it.

              Then use Formula do something like this?

              parentTypeTranslate = parentType

              Here was my brief test using Formula sandbox:

              Click image for larger version

Name:	image.png
Views:	190
Size:	16.4 KB
ID:	92527


              • rabii
                Active Community Member
                • Jun 2016
                • 1265

                You can create a new varchar field call it (parentValue) and then in the task formula add a formula to update the new created field whenever the task's parent has changed and not empty, like code below:

                PHP Code:
                ifThen(entity\isAttributeChanged('parentType'), parentValue = parentType); 
                Web Dev


                • esforim
                  esforim commented
                  Editing a comment
                  Use this rabii guy code, he idea more bug free than mine