Display related objects in a merged report

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  • Sab0tajue
    Senior Member
    • Jul 2019
    • 315

    Display related objects in a merged report

    It is required to make a grouped report from two sections "Buildings" and "Lands". They are combined into one field "Building + Land" where the user attaches the building to the land. How can I display a grouped report for this related field so that you can see the related properties: Building + land?
  • Sab0tajue
    Senior Member
    • Jul 2019
    • 315

    Upd pls


    • victor
      Active Community Member
      • Aug 2022
      • 818


      Please describe your case in more detail:
      • two sections "Buildings" and "Lands" are two different entities, if so, are there relationships between them? Are these fields possible within the same entity?
      • They are combined into one field "Building + Land" where the user attaches the building to the land. What is the type of this field?
      Perhaps it is better to describe the desired functionality before trying to adapt? Please make several screenshots for better clarity.​


      • Sab0tajue
        Senior Member
        • Jul 2019
        • 315

        victor Yes, indeed there are two sections "Buildings" and "Lands", the connection between them is of the "Many-to-many" type. The user, in turn, can attach a lot of land plots from the "Buildings" section and a lot of buildings from the "Land plots" section. Field type "Communication (Many)"
        Attached Files


        • rabii
          rabii commented
          Editing a comment
          what is the communication (many). it seems you have set up a many to many relationship between lands and buildings so what is the purpose of communication (many)?
      • rabii
        Active Community Member
        • Jun 2016
        • 1268

        you can try https://docs.espocrm.com/user-guide/...t-grid-reports meaning create a grid report for each entity (Building and Land) and then create a joint grid reports to display record from both reports.
        Web Dev


        • Sab0tajue
          Senior Member
          • Jul 2019
          • 315

          Originally posted by rabii
          you can try https://docs.espocrm.com/user-guide/...t-grid-reports meaning create a grid report for each entity (Building and Land) and then create a joint grid reports to display record from both reports.
          and I did that, but for some reason I don’t get records


          • Sab0tajue
            Senior Member
            • Jul 2019
            • 315

            UPD pls


            • victor
              Active Community Member
              • Aug 2022
              • 818

              To be honest, I don't quite understand the end result you're trying to achieve. If you have a Many-to-Many relationship between Buildings and Lands entities, and if record Building A can have Lands 1, Land 2, Land 3 in the Lands field. And record Land 1 can have Building A, Building B in the Buildings field, then why another field? After all, there is already 1 field between two entities, which shows with which records they are related.

              Until you explain to the community the full picture of what you want (the whole concept), you will get advice that will only help you partially, not completely. But this is just my opinion, the choice is yours.​


              • Sab0tajue
                Senior Member
                • Jul 2019
                • 315

                yes, I understand that many people may not have understood (I'm sorry, it's sometimes difficult for me to express myself). I need to show in the report a link between buildings and land plots, if such exists. In the opposite case, I need to show those buildings or those land plots that do not have such a binding. An example is:
                - Building No. 1 is linked to land plot A
                - Building No. 1 is linked to land plot B
                - Building No. 2 is linked to a land plot with

                In the reverse report, I want to see something like this:
                - Building No. 3 is not linked to land plot A
                - Building No. 3 is not linked to land plot B
                - Building No. 3 is not linked to a land plot with​


                • victor
                  Active Community Member
                  • Aug 2022
                  • 818

                  For Many-to-Many, you will not make such a report. Can be done for One-to-Many.

                  1. Delete the old Many-to-Many relationship.
                  2. In Administration > Entity Manager > Building > Relationships create a new One-to-Many relationship (screenshot 1).
                  3. Create the first Land Plots report with the parameters as in screenshot 2 and get the result as in screenshot 3.
                  4. Create the second Buildings report with parameters as in screenshot 4 and get the result as in screenshot 5.​
                  Attached Files

