Moving leads/calls/scheduled tasks to a new user

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  • Paulmcf87
    Junior Member
    • Dec 2022
    • 10

    Moving leads/calls/scheduled tasks to a new user

    One of the sales people has left the business and I would like to assign all of their leads etc to one of the other sales people but I cannot seem to find any way to do this on the CRM.

    Is there a recommended way to achieve this?

    One of the things I have tried is to change the user Access Permissions so that when they are in a lead, they can reassign themselves as the assigned user but it doesnt seem to be possible unless they have admin privileges.
    This would be a messy option though and it would be easier if there was a way to simply reassign all of User A's calls/leads etc to User B.

    any help would be much appreciated.
  • Jakub Grufik
    Senior Member
    • Aug 2022
    • 361

    Hello, you can use MassUpdate for this.

    Just filter out all calls assigned to the user that left your company and with massupdate update assigned user to which you want to reassign those calls. Same for leads etc.


    • Jakub Grufik
      Senior Member
      • Aug 2022
      • 361

      Also this one "One of the things I have tried is to change the user Access Permissions so that when they are in a lead, they can reassign themselves as the assigned user but it doesnt seem to be possible unless they have admin privileges." is not true.

      You just need to adjust their role correctly for them to able to reassign leads etc. -> you need to adjust "Assignment Permission" to "All" in the top panel of the role.
      Click image for larger version

Name:	image.png
Views:	188
Size:	84.7 KB
ID:	91492


      • Paulmcf87
        Paulmcf87 commented
        Editing a comment
        Thanks I just seen your replies when I posted my own response.
        I went realised that the mass update function would help... took me a while lol

        I tried the `Assingment Permission` but it didnt seem to make any difference, the user couldnt update

        The other thing I tried was adding `Field Level` access. I Added Assigned Users to the Leads section and changed both Read and Edit to Yes
        When viewing the User - Access, under Field Level it showed `Users -> Gender`
        I tried to add screenshots but wont let me in a comment
    • Paulmcf87
      Junior Member
      • Dec 2022
      • 10

      Figured it out finally...
      If anyone else has the same issue

      Select the leads that you need to change using the tick boxs at the side, then an `Actions` dropdown will appear. Select `Mass Update` and you can change the assigned users in here


      • victor
        Active Community Member
        • Aug 2022
        • 777

        Mass Update functionality is described almost completely at the following link:

        The only thing I would like to add is the functionality of selecting absolutely all records of a specific Entity:

        1. Click on the triangle (screenshot 1).
        2. Click on Select All Results (screenshot 1).
        3. As a result of the fact that you have selected absolutely all records of a specific Entity, the check marks will be slightly modified, different in color from the check marks when we select records one by one (screenshot 2).

        The Select All Results functionality is suitable not only for Mass Update, but also for other Actions: Remove, Export, Recalculate Formula, etc.
        Attached Files

