Errors after upgrade to 7.3.3

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  • Jakub Grufik
    Senior Member
    • Aug 2022
    • 361

    Errors after upgrade to 7.3.3

    Hello guys,

    yesterday in the evening we upgraded our Espo to version 7.3.3 and right after the update system started to generate a lot of errors (see logs).

    Do you have any idea what could be causing the issue?

    Thanks a lot.

    [2023-03-08 00:37:20] ERROR: (404) Action GET 'popupNotifications' does not exist in controller 'Activities'.; GET /Activities/action/popupNotifications; line: 83, file: /data/7/5/7575340d-2d72-4955-9959-98ec6389749c/ [] []
    Attached Files
  • Vadym
    Super Moderator
    • Jun 2021
    • 349

    Hi Jakub Grufik,

    Perhaps the next thread will be helpful:
    Hi After upgrading to version.7.3.1 the following error gets spammed all over the logfile: [2023-01-11 09:07:10] ERROR: (404) Action GET 'popupNotifications' does not exist in controller 'Activities'.; GET /Activities/action/popupNotifications; line: 83, file: C:\wamp64\www\espocrm.domain.tld\application\Espo\


    • Jakub Grufik
      Jakub Grufik commented
      Editing a comment
      hello man, thanks a lot. It seems like the suggestion from the other post resolved the issue! thanks man

    • esforim
      esforim commented
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      I just choose to ignore it... I havent check log in a while but I have feeling it daily popup. Maybe it will be fix in next version or if what Yuri guess is correct maybe the Auth will just time out.

    • Jakub Grufik
      Jakub Grufik commented
      Editing a comment
      oh yeah, I am just checking errors and there are still a lot of those "popup notifications errors mentioned above..I am just gonna ignore it as well as there is not much I can do about it