Controller error after upgrade to 7.3.1

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  • lucakuehne
    Senior Member
    • Feb 2016
    • 195

    Controller error after upgrade to 7.3.1


    After upgrading to version.7.3.1 the following error gets spammed all over the logfile:
    [2023-01-11 09:07:10] ERROR: (404) Action GET 'popupNotifications' does not exist in controller 'Activities'.; GET /Activities/action/popupNotifications; line: 83, file: C:\wamp64\www\espocrm.domain.tld\application\Espo\ Core\Api\ActionProcessor.php [] []
    [2023-01-11 09:07:26] ERROR: (404) Action GET 'popupNotifications' does not exist in controller 'Activities'.; GET /Activities/action/popupNotifications; line: 83, file: C:\wamp64\www\espocrm.domain.tld\application\Espo\ Core\Api\ActionProcessor.php [] []
    [2023-01-11 09:07:42] ERROR: (404) Action GET 'popupNotifications' does not exist in controller 'Activities'.; GET /Activities/action/popupNotifications; line: 83, file: C:\wamp64\www\espocrm.domain.tld\application\Espo\ Core\Api\ActionProcessor.php [] []
    Any idea why this is happening?​
  • yuri
    • Mar 2014
    • 8697

    Either you have a customization that calls an already non-existent API action, or something cached.
    If you find EspoCRM good, we would greatly appreciate if you could give the project a star on GitHub. We believe our work truly deserves more recognition. Thanks.


    • lucakuehne
      Senior Member
      • Feb 2016
      • 195

      There is no custumization in our instance and I already cleared the cache in the frontend and the backend.


      • yuri
        • Mar 2014
        • 8697

        Might be some browser tab not refreshed, still loaded old version of Espo,
        If you find EspoCRM good, we would greatly appreciate if you could give the project a star on GitHub. We believe our work truly deserves more recognition. Thanks.


        • yuri
          yuri commented
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          I recommend to forget about this error. Or find the user with opened Espo and close the browser.

        • Jakub Grufik
          Jakub Grufik commented
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          Hello guys, I am currently facing exactly same errors. I tried to logout all users. But it did not fix the error. Another thing is that in error logs it says ERROR403, but in the system we are getting red error label with ERROR 429, but in error logs nothing about ERROR 429

        • Jakub Grufik
          Jakub Grufik commented
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          another problem is that it seems like because of this error the system is being loaded much slower and sometimes when we get ERROR 429 (red label) system is not even loaded at all and we need to refresh the page