We have an entity we need Portal Access (contact).
We have 6 different relationship links with Contact many to many.
As we know for Portal Users, Links must be 'Account', 'Accounts', 'Contact' or 'Contacts', so we created a Link named Contacts and we need to assign every sub-list to the Contact Link/Field.
Link names: subContacts1 subContacts2 subContacts3 subContacts4 subContacts5 subContacts6 and contacts
In the entity's formula we use the formula:
contactsIds=list(subContacts1Ids, subContacts2Ids, subContacts3Ids, subContacts4Ids, subContacts5Ids, subContacts6Ids);
In every try, we get Error500
Tried different formulas using variable sub-lists, array/push etc but with the same result.
We created another varhar field using the same formula just to see the results and we get expected list result, a list with all subContacts Ids. But this is not working in the needed contacts field.
Where is the mistake, or which is the correct formula syntax please?
We have 6 different relationship links with Contact many to many.
As we know for Portal Users, Links must be 'Account', 'Accounts', 'Contact' or 'Contacts', so we created a Link named Contacts and we need to assign every sub-list to the Contact Link/Field.
Link names: subContacts1 subContacts2 subContacts3 subContacts4 subContacts5 subContacts6 and contacts
In the entity's formula we use the formula:
contactsIds=list(subContacts1Ids, subContacts2Ids, subContacts3Ids, subContacts4Ids, subContacts5Ids, subContacts6Ids);
In every try, we get Error500
Tried different formulas using variable sub-lists, array/push etc but with the same result.
We created another varhar field using the same formula just to see the results and we get expected list result, a list with all subContacts Ids. But this is not working in the needed contacts field.
Where is the mistake, or which is the correct formula syntax please?