I have a Task in a flowchart which changes the Assigned User of a lead. I also have a few Workflows which are triggered on "After record saved (created or updated)" that have a single condition "Assigned User is changed".
The process works fine, everything executes till the end and the Assigned User is changed on the lead. However, the Workflow is not triggered after the change.
Is this a bug or it's like this by design?
If it's by design, is there any way to force triggering of the workflows by changes made from BPM processes?
The process works fine, everything executes till the end and the Assigned User is changed on the lead. However, the Workflow is not triggered after the change.
Is this a bug or it's like this by design?
If it's by design, is there any way to force triggering of the workflows by changes made from BPM processes?