Hi Tanja,
this is an old post, I know. Still, I have the same task and try to understand the procedure. I get the part
"Opportunity > links > contacts has "additionalColumns" option - here you need to define your additional fields for data base",
but I dont understand what is meant by
"in Contact fields defined opportunityRole field,
in Opportunity > contactRole and contacts with columns."
Could you explain this again in a few words?
Thank you
p.s.: Does this apply to EspoCRM v. 8.x?
Linked Fields in n:n Relationships
I am not sure why would you need to do that because you can create a report that does this for you instead of creating new entities. However if this what you need then, follow these steps: (all of this can be done using Entity Manager through UI and using formula).
1 - You create a relationship between "monthly opportunities" and "opportunity" entities (one-to-many) meaning one (monthly opportunity) has many (opportunities).
2 - Add a currency field call it (totalValue) on the monthly opportunities entity
3 - Add this formula to your monthly opportunities entity to calculate the totals of related opportunities (amount)
Code:totalValue = entity\sumRelated('opportunities', 'amountConverted');
Hope this helps -
Hi, for example:
I've created several opportunities, so I would like to summarize the total value of all the opportunities for a specific month. I created a separate entity "monthly opportunities", so would like to link the opportunities (that I choose) to this entity, to create a record.
I have NO programming skills. So I cant do it in code. -
what do you mean by linking fields in different entities ? do you linking two different entities ? -
Hi, is there any way of linking fields in different entities? Non coding way. I'm not a programmer. Don't know how to access the code.
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then I have this in my Company.json file :
Code:"accounts": { "type": "linkMultiple", "layoutDetailDisabled": false, "layoutListDisabled": true, "layoutMassUpdateDisabled": false, "importDisabled": false, "noLoad": false, "isCustom": true, "view": "custom:views/company/fields/accounts", "columns": { "shares": "companyShares", "isInactive": "CompanyLinkIsInactive" } } },
It's a copy of the client/modules/crm/src/views/contact/fields/accounts.js file, except the first line (Espo.define) and the replacement of "role" by "shares".
Code:Espo.define('custom:views/company/fields/accounts', 'views/fields/link-multiple-with-columns', function (Dep) { return Dep.extend({ roleType: 'varchar', events: { 'click [data-action="switchPrimary"]': function (e) { $target = $(e.currentTarget); var id = $target.data('id'); if (!$target.hasClass('active')) { this.$el.find('button[data-action="switchPrimary"]').removeClass('active').children().addClass('text-muted'); $target.addClass('active').children().removeClass('text-muted'); this.setPrimaryId(id); } } }, getAttributeList: function () { var list = Dep.prototype.getAttributeList.call(this); list.push('accountId'); list.push('accountName'); list.push('shares'); return list; }, setup: function () { Dep.prototype.setup.call(this); this.primaryIdFieldName = 'accountId'; this.primaryNameFieldName = 'accountName'; this.primarySharesFieldName = 'shares'; this.primaryId = this.model.get(this.primaryIdFieldName); this.primaryName = this.model.get(this.primaryNameFieldName); this.listenTo(this.model, 'change:' + this.primaryIdFieldName, function () { this.primaryId = this.model.get(this.primaryIdFieldName); this.primaryName = this.model.get(this.primaryNameFieldName); }, this); if (this.mode === 'edit' || this.mode === 'detail') { this.events['click a[data-action="setPrimary"]'] = function (e) { var id = $(e.currentTarget).data('id'); this.setPrimaryId(id); this.reRender(); } } }, setPrimaryId: function (id) { this.primaryId = id; if (id) { this.primaryName = this.nameHash[id]; } else { this.primaryName = null; } this.trigger('change'); }, renderLinks: function () { if (this.primaryId) { this.addLinkHtml(this.primaryId, this.primaryName); } this.ids.forEach(function (id) { if (id != this.primaryId) { this.addLinkHtml(id, this.nameHash[id]); } }, this); }, getValueForDisplay: function () { if (this.mode == 'detail' || this.mode == 'list') { var names = []; if (this.primaryId) { names.push(this.getDetailLinkHtml(this.primaryId, this.primaryName)); } this.ids.forEach(function (id) { if (id != this.primaryId) { names.push(this.getDetailLinkHtml(id)); } }, this); return names.join(''); } }, getDetailLinkHtml: function (id, name) { var html = Dep.prototype.getDetailLinkHtml.call(this, id, name); if (this.getColumnValue(id, 'isInactive')) { var $el = $(html); $el.find('a').css('text-decoration', 'line-through'); return $el.prop('outerHTML'); } return html; }, afterAddLink: function (id) { if (this.ids.length === 1) { this.primaryId = id; this.primaryName = this.nameHash[id]; } this.controlPrimaryAppearance(); }, afterDeleteLink: function (id) { if (this.ids.length === 0) { this.primaryId = null; this.primaryName = null; return; } if (id === this.primaryId) { this.primaryId = this.ids[0]; this.primaryName = this.nameHash[this.primaryId]; } this.controlPrimaryAppearance(); }, controlPrimaryAppearance: function () { this.$el.find('li.set-primary-list-item').removeClass('hidden'); if (this.primaryId) { this.$el.find('li.set-primary-list-item[data-id="'+this.primaryId+'"]').addClass('hidden'); } }, addLinkHtml: function (id, name) { if (this.mode == 'search') { return Dep.prototype.addLinkHtml.call(this, id, name); } var $el = Dep.prototype.addLinkHtml.call(this, id, name); var isPrimary = (id == this.primaryId); var $a = $( '<a href="javascript:" data-action="setPrimary" data-id="' + id+ '"</a>' + this.translate('Set Primary', 'labels', 'Account') + '</a>' ); var $li = $('<li class="set-primary-list-item" data-id="'+id+'">').append($a); if (isPrimary || this.ids.length === 1) { $li.addClass('hidden'); } $el.find('ul.dropdown-menu').append($li); if (this.getColumnValue(id, 'isInactive')) { $el.find('div.link-item-name').css('text-decoration', 'line-through'); } }, afterRender: function () { Dep.prototype.afterRender.call(this); }, fetch: function () { var data = Dep.prototype.fetch.call(this); data[this.primaryIdFieldName] = this.primaryId; data[this.primaryNameFieldName] = this.primaryName; data[this.primarySharesFieldName] = (this.columns[this.primaryId] || {}).shares || null; data.accountIsInactive = (this.columns[this.primaryId] || {}).isInactive || false; return data; } }); });
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yeah, right (about the view name and the path)
as I see, you define the view in links accounts, but you need to do it in fields section
check the example again
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EspoCRM – Open Source CRM Application. Contribute to espocrm/espocrm development by creating an account on GitHub.
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for the view, the accounts.js file must be created in the client/custom/src/views/company/fields folder?
and defined in my Company.json file as bellow ?
"accounts": { "type": "hasMany", "relationName": "accountCompany", "foreign": "companies", "entity": "Account", "audited": true, "isCustom": true, "view": "custom:views/company/fields/accounts", "additionalColumns": { "shares": { "type": "int" }, "isInactive": { "type": "bool", "default": false } }, "layoutRelationshipsDisabled": true } ?
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only in custom/Espo/Custom/Resources/metadata/entityDefs/
Account.json and Company.json (or other name)
In this case the modification is upgrade safe.Leave a comment:
I want to modify a n:n link between the entity Account a a new entity type "comptany". the company.json file to modify is in "custom/Espo/Custom/Resources/metadata/entityDefs/" and not in "application/Espo/Modules/Crm/Resources/metadata/entityDefs/", is it correct?Leave a comment:
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