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Linked Fields in n:n Relationships

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  • MicKress
    Thank you, I'll try ...

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  • tanya
    open application/Espo/Modules/Crm/Resources/metadata/entityDefs/Contacts.json and Opportunity.json (I think it's easier to understand)

    You can create your relationship with EntityManager (what you did), after you can improve this relationship

    Opportunity > links > contacts has "additionalColumns" option - here you need to define your additional fields for data base
    in Contact fields defined opportunityRole field,
    in Opportunity > contactRole and contacts with columns. Also you need to create a view for your linkMultiple field

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  • MicKress
    started a topic Linked Fields in n:n Relationships

    Linked Fields in n:n Relationships

    Hi, can anybody please help me with this problem. I created a new entity "jobs". When a contact takes over a job for our company like a freelancer it is here stored. The fields are "name" (the kind of the job like programming), jobStartDate (the Date someone begins to work on the job), jobEndDate (the Date the Job ends), jobRole (like consultant). The entitiy "jobs" is related with a n:n-relationship to contacts, multiple fields are activated. As far as I see, in the mySQL Database there is a table created contact_jobs with contact_id and jobs_id. So my question is, how can I add to this table contact_jobs the fields jobRole, jobStartDate and jobEndDate. You have similar in the relation accounts - contacts where contactRole and contactIsInactive als fields in the entity contacts,but stored in the table accounts-Contacts. Do I have to add the fields manually directly in the mySQL Database or is there a possibility to do this in EspoCRM? Regards Michael