how about to make a target to every user?

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  • ahmed minyo
    Junior Member
    • Jan 2022
    • 2

    how about to make a target to every user?

    now I have a sales team and everyone has a target to achieve .
    how can I connect every sales to his target and when he sell a product with a value (money) it reduces from his target for the month?
  • rabii
    Active Community Member
    • Jun 2016
    • 1268


    I think best way is to have another entity that represents sales target you can call it (Target) and then create necessary relationship between user entity and target entity as well as product. you need to visualise how you want it to be done and then once set up, you can use Formula when a new product is sold by a user each month to do calculation. there are many other ways to approach this but i think this solution will allow you to extend it however you want and also will allow you to have precise stats.

    Good luck
    Web Dev


    • emillod
      Active Community Member
      • Apr 2017
      • 1449

      You can also prepare notStorable field which would count all sales in specifc month and show TOTAL of which he have to sell in this month, it's not difficult. Thanks to that you'll have always only actual value from specific month.
      1. Create notStorable field
      2. Create service which will count current value


      • esforim
        esforim commented
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        " 1. Create notStorable field "

        This require coding right? We cant make it directly in the Admin GUI can we?

      • emillod
        emillod commented
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        esforim i'm not sure, i'm always creating notStorable fields through ftp/ssh I checked now and yeah, it require coding