change color sidebar
Yes this is awesome! Thanks very much for the link.Last edited by crmclients; 08-01-2020, 05:27 AM. -
I think this thread is relevant:
The idea of this thread is to create a "road map/guide" to help developers find where GUI sections or elements are defined within Espo code so customization projects can be implemented without having to spend a lot of time "finding your way around" the code (like many of us have done) whenever possible.Leave a comment:
FWIW I pasted the Vertical Violet css into an online "beautify" program and replaced the oneline css text, then made these changes for a white menu with blue text (line #'s are approx):
-------------------------- change menu bar to white
.navbar-inverse {
background-color: #8e5c9c; ----->>>>>> change to #ffffff = white background
border-color: transparent;
-------------------------------change menu text to black
.navbar-inverse .navbar-nav>li>a {
color: #f7f7f7; ----->>>>>> change to #000e69 which is blue text
--------------------------------change hover to transparent
.navbar-inverse .navbar-nav>li>a:focus,.navbar-inverse .navbar-nav>li>a:hover {
color: #fff; ----->>>>>> change to #000
This is all TEMP but if you just want to see how it would look, text, logo background etc. - Need to Clear Cache and F5 to see it update.
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better is to create own theme.
you can copy this as example
look at application/Espo/Resources/metadata/themes and client/css/espoLeave a comment:
Thank you and sorry, I think I used the wrong expression. I am searching for a possibility to change the background color of the (vertical) menu bar in the layout "hazyblue vertical". Regards MichaelLeave a comment:
Administration > Layout Manager > Your Entity > Side Panels (each or one of Detail, Edit...) > Edit (Pencil Icon) > Select styleLeave a comment:
change color sidebar
Hi, how can I change the color in the sidebar of the hazyblue theme? Kind regards MichaelTags: None
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