While converting it is feasible to enable Tick on Contact and Account by default?
Is there a convert from Opportunity to Account?
Convert Page
Tarasm, many thanks. The problem was related to JSON Specification. Everything is workingLeave a comment:
It's VALID (RFC 8259). some other issue. Should i replace the file only this way application/Espo/Modules/Crm/Resources/metadata/entityDefs/Lead.json?Leave a comment:
Try to check the content of this file via any online "json validator".Leave a comment:
Sorry, but i used original file from this custom/Espo/Custom/Resources/metadata/ and deleted that i marked in red, replaced file on this way application/Espo/Modules/Crm/Resources/metadata/entityDefs/Lead.json and rebuild CRM.Leave a comment:
It should be a syntax error in this file. For modification such metadata, please use a "custom/Espo/Custom/Resources/metadata/" directory. More details, https://docs.espocrm.com/development...how-its-storedLeave a comment:
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Is it possible to copy 2 fields into 1 field "firstName" & "lastName" of Entity LEAD when converting to an Opportunity field "customerName"?
in file: custom/Espo/Custom/Resources/metadata/entityDefs/Lead.json
Code:"convertFields": { "Contact": [], "Opportunity": { "amount": "opportunityAmount", "leadSource": "source", "name": "accountName" }
Code:"convertFields": { "Contact": [], "Opportunity": { "amount": "opportunityAmount", "leadSource": "source", "name": "accountName", "customerName": "firstName" & " " & "lastName" }
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No, it's basic EspoCRM. If you don't have the file in custom folder, you can create it.
Is created file valid? Did you clear the cache in Administration?Leave a comment:
Hi tanya ,
I had to do clear cache in Administration panel rather than in clear local cache. It started working now.
Thank you for the quick responses.Leave a comment:
Did you share all the content? (this, you shared is valid and works for me good)
Do you run php command as server (apache) user?
Is espocrm/custom/Espo/Custom/Resources/metadata/entityDefs/Lead.json readable for server user?Leave a comment:
In menu (if you are an Administrator), you can find Administration item. In Administration in the section System you can Rebuild the system (the last item)2 PhotosLeave a comment:
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