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Create a custom workflow action

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  • Create a custom workflow action

    I need to create a custom action when an email is recieved to the CRM.

    I have crated a workflow for it but I need to set an Action. I see the default actions, but, as mentioned, I need a custom opne to add integration with another platform.

    I have created a php file `TestService.php` (for testing purpose) in the `custom/Espo/Custom/Services` directory.
    Here is the bare-bones code:

    namespace Espo\Custom\Services;
    use \Espo\ORM\Entity;
    class TestService extends \Espo\Core\Services\Base
    public function testServiceAction($workflowId, Entity $entity, $additionalParameters = null)
    //your code here

    I also created `Workflow.json` in the `custom/Espo/Custom/Resources/metadata/entityDefs` directory.
    like so:
    "serviceActions": {
    "testServiceAction": {
    "serviceName": "TestService",
    "methodName": "testServiceAction"

    i also added a translation for en_US
    "serviceActions": {
    "testServiceAction": "Label for TestServiceAction"

    After cleaning the cache, i went to admin panel > workflow > my created workflow.
    I go to action section, click the + button and i dont see my created action.
    even when selecting `run service action`, the dropdown list is empty

    Click image for larger version

Name:	image.png
Views:	205
Size:	32.2 KB
ID:	106682

    I folowed this tutorial:
    I also tried by this tutorial:

    But both did not work. what am i missing?​

  • #2
    Hi, seems like you defined the action only for the call entity but you are trying to target Email in your screenshot.

    just change the Entity to Email in the workflow.json


    • #3
      Thank you, It seems it worked now.
      Thx for your time.

      If you dont mind, could you point me to the right direcvtion (either hinting me or dropping a good docs link) how i should integrate the method?
      I have this rn:

      public function testServiceAction($workflowId, Entity $entity, $additionalParameters = null)
      //your code here

      the logic is empty. from this way i will need to get the email ID (to get the email data such as attahcment, subject, sender etc).
      Is the `workflowId` the email id?

      its my first time using espocrm and i am so long with it

