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Custom Card View Grid for Record List
I am currently researching on customizing the list view for one of my EspoCRM entities. The default list view provided by EspoCRM does not meet my requirements,...
How to implement custom functionality across all types of views for the Meeting scope
This project describes how to implement a custom functionality (update the value of field "place" in Meeting when the Meeting's parent entity...
Last edited by telecastg; 04-03-2023, 06:15 PM. -
Render field view without model
Hi there,
I'm currently trying to create a modal which should contain two date input fields to let user choose a period. Since the period... -
ICONS for Views/Edition/Deletion
it is often that a list offers to View the details or Edit them
could it be possible to see icons instead of a drop down menu?
... -
Is ti possible to override views in an upgrade-safe way?
The title pretty much sumarizes my question. Can I somehow override view or do I have to directy edit view's source code? I tried creating view with same... -
List & Kanban View Grouping
The easiest way to explain this is in reference to the feature in Odoo, Taigo v6 and similar.
Similar to Sorting, it would be very helpful... -
Update Parent Entity view (Quote/Sales Order)
Hi Everyone,
We need to update a parent entity (Quote) field after updating a child entity (Sales Order) field.
We created a custom... -
Custom Entity (Attachment Multiple)
My client wants to be able to have a PDF preview when looking at documents associated with entities. Images currently do this, and he wanted PDFs to also...1 Photo