CalDAV & CardDAV (and maybe other type of DAV Intergration)

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  • esforim
    Active Community Member
    • Jan 2020
    • 2205

    CalDAV & CardDAV (and maybe other type of DAV Intergration)

    We recently set aside some funds to make contribution to OpenSource software that we use, love and appreciate.

    EspoCRM currently does not support any type of Synching method that is truly Open (that PieSync is a services which prefer not to have to rely on). There is Outlook & Google but you have to pay for that and it is restrict (?) in terms of capability.

    It been over 3 years (more or less) since the topic of DAV has been posted on the forum requesting for it to be a feature, there is still no news or any type of coding (?) that has been done to prepare for that.

    We are interested in finding a Developer to integrate support of these DAV protocol, in particular to the Card (Address book, customer/company/contact/account information) & Cal (short for Calendar, meeting, date, time, location & who). There also other type of DAV such as Task but that is on lower priority for the time being.

    Some of the feature we want is as follow:
    1. Need to be Open Source, either as an extension or Pull Request into the EspoCRM.
    2. Basic support of CalDAV or CardDav: able to sync Varchar field & integer field as a minimum.

    Need to know.
    A. Estimated time that is involve for complete this project.
    B. Quote or Fee expected for this to be develop.
    C. Will you accept collaboration from other developer (may include other EspoCRM developer or the EspoCRM Developer them self).

    PS: If there is a better synching method than the DAV, please discuss it. As ultimate we want to revive the dead mobile Apps (such as, either as a new App using these protocol or another App that can support EspoCRM.

    Thank you.
  • rachel
    Junior Member
    • Dec 2019
    • 3

    Hi there,

    I would like to help you in this.

    Please share details on rachel at cisinlabs dot com

    Please check your PM.

    Looking forward.

    Last edited by rachel; 01-29-2020, 07:28 AM.


    • esforim
      esforim commented
      Editing a comment
      Thank you. Will send you an email over the week.

    • rachel
      rachel commented
      Editing a comment
      Hi there, I am still waiting for your email.
  • eymen.elkum
    • Aug 2019
    • 41

    I liked the idea, but I want to ask if you are from official espo team ?

    If the time is not critical, then I would like to help, I can't give more than 40% of my time on the first two weeks then I can give more than 70%.

    To me:

    A. Estimated time is about two month
    C. Will you accept collaboration from other developer YES OF COURSE
    Last edited by eymen.elkum; 01-29-2020, 07:58 AM. Reason: answered some questions


    • esforim
      Active Community Member
      • Jan 2020
      • 2205

      Originally posted by eymen.elkum
      I liked the idea, but I want to ask if you are from official espo team ?
      I'm not from EspoCRM but I would want to make EspoCRM work, tried too many CRM and want EspoCRM to be "The One", so just trying however I can to improve it to the point where I can stop (or rarely) visiting the forum as the CRM have all the feature, functions and capability we need.

      I suppose time is not a critical thing, but I do hope it can be implement before this year is over, the earlier the better so we can start synching the CRM with our mobile phone or other software/apps.

      Currently just wanting to find more of the financial requirements as we only set aside a small funds pool for this (unless other user want to contribute through some sort of crowd funding) so if the cost is too much we will just need to hold back until we have enough fund pooled to request of this feature to be done.
      Last edited by esforim; 01-31-2020, 02:38 AM.


    • rachel
      Junior Member
      • Dec 2019
      • 3

      Originally posted by espcrm
      We recently set aside some funds to make contribution to OpenSource software that we use, love and appreciate.

      EspoCRM currently does not support any type of Synching method that is truly Open (that PieSync is a services which prefer not to have to rely on). There is Outlook & Google but you have to pay for that and it is restrict (?) in terms of capability.

      It been over 3 years (more or less) since the topic of DAV has been posted on the forum requesting for it to be a feature, there is still no news or any type of coding (?) that has been done to prepare for that.

      We are interested in finding a Developer to integrate support of these DAV protocol, in particular to the Card (Address book, customer/company/contact/account information) & Cal (short for Calendar, meeting, date, time, location & who). There also other type of DAV such as Task but that is on lower priority for the time being.

      Some of the feature we want is as follow:
      1. Need to be Open Source, either as an extension or Pull Request into the EspoCRM.
      2. Basic support of CalDAV or CardDav: able to sync Varchar field & integer field as a minimum.

      Need to know.
      A. Estimated time that is involve for complete this project.
      B. Quote or Fee expected for this to be develop.
      C. Will you accept collaboration from other developer (may include other EspoCRM developer or the EspoCRM Developer them self).

      PS: If there is a better synching method than the DAV, please discuss it. As ultimate we want to revive the dead mobile Apps (such as, either as a new App using these protocol or another App that can support EspoCRM.

      Thank you.
      I will be waiting for your email response. and definitely i can do this in affordable pricing.


      • yuri
        • Mar 2014
        • 8714

        Whoever will be doing this, check

        If you will make it as an installable extension, note, that there's the ability to include vendor dir (dependencies installed via composer) into module directory.
        If you find EspoCRM good, we would greatly appreciate if you could give the project a star on GitHub. We believe our work truly deserves more recognition. Thanks.


        • eymen.elkum
          • Aug 2019
          • 41

          Originally posted by yurikuzn
          note, that there's the ability to include vendor dir (dependencies installed via composer) into module directory.
          this is very nice, is there any link refer to this ability ?


          • yuri
            • Mar 2014
            • 8714

            > is there any link refer to this ability ?

            If you find EspoCRM good, we would greatly appreciate if you could give the project a star on GitHub. We believe our work truly deserves more recognition. Thanks.


            • yuri
              • Mar 2014
              • 8714

              If you find EspoCRM good, we would greatly appreciate if you could give the project a star on GitHub. We believe our work truly deserves more recognition. Thanks.


              • eymen.elkum
                eymen.elkum commented
                Editing a comment
                many thanks, this is pretty nice
                Last edited by eymen.elkum; 01-31-2020, 01:39 PM.
            • item
              Active Community Member
              • Mar 2017
              • 1508

              i think these mobile app must use :
              online/offline and synchronize.
              have a clean/nice interface like

              If you could give the project a star on GitHub. EspoCrm believe our work truly deserves more recognition. Thanks.​


              • littlegeorge
                • Feb 2017
                • 41


                a year ago, I've looked for somebody who can code an installable EspoCRM extension for sync purposes with DAV protocol. But all my research hasn't any success. So I'm happy to see this discussion. I hope your are successful - if so, I will be willing to pay for a running extension.
                At that time I have formulate my requirements as follows:

                1. WebDAV for Category Tree Entities (mainly for Windows Explorer)
                2. CalDAV for the entities of the type "Event" (mainly for common apps on iPhone & Android, for example DAVdroid)
                3. CardDAV for the entities of the type "person" (mainly for popular apps on iPhone & Android, for example DAVdroid)

                The provision of the interfaces should be individually activatable per entity, concrete data exchange via the interface should take place at record level:
                a) the synchronization paths should be configurable (Espo -> 3rd party system, 3rd party system -> Espo or Espo <-> 3rd party system) and
                b) the data records to be synchronized should be able to be restricted by filters both on the system side and on the user side (eg all contact records marked as "private" in the third party system will not be synchronized OR a user would like to synchronize only those contact data records that have been b or c are connected); System-side filters can only be changed with admin rights, user-specific filters can individually change the respective users

                The interfaces take into account the user rights.

                The exchange of data should be as independent of the app as possible (eg via the use of user-definable profiles in which the fields to be matched are definable):
                1. WebDAV
                - hierarchy according to "DocumentFolder", data - according to the relationship - from "Document"
                - "KnowledgeBaseCategory" hierarchy, data - according to the relationship - from "KnowledgeBaseArticel"
                - Hierarchy of other (future) entities of the category tree type, data from the entities assigned by relationship
                2. CalDAV
                - All entities that can appear in the calendar [Call, Meeting, Task and (future) entities of type "Event"]
                - At least the fields "Name", "From" (Date & Time), "To" (Date & Time), "Description", Other fields according to the adjustable profile (Match Espo field with third-party system field)
                3. CardDav
                - Contact, Lead and (future) Entities of type "Person"
                - At least the fields (if available) "Name", "Address", "Phone", "Email", Other fields (e.g., company) according to the profile (Match Espo field with third-party field)

                I hope, this can help.


                • punkyard
                  • Oct 2020
                  • 53

                  does Espo need a dav server?
                  could it start with syncing with any existing dav server/CardDAV, ie (sabre)?


                  • esforim
                    esforim commented
                    Editing a comment
                    EspoCRM does not support any DAV protocol at the moment. My plan to have it develop fell through and it never got started.

                    Until it get develop (and it seem to be possible from two developer) there is no DAV support. Once it is implement, there shouldn't be a need for a server. But it should be able to retrieve data from a server too.

                  • punkyard
                    punkyard commented
                    Editing a comment
                    that would be awesome !
                • esforim
                  Active Community Member
                  • Jan 2020
                  • 2205

                  item punkyard littlegeorge
                  It think it happenings:

                  It a paid extension though.

