Upgrading from 7.3.4 to 7.4.6 SQL syntax Error

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  • rouhu
    • Sep 2020
    • 39

    Upgrading from 7.3.4 to 7.4.6 SQL syntax Error

    When trying to do Database Rebuilt (even before actual upgrade) I get error:
    [2023-07-19 10:01:31] ALERT: Rebuild database fault: PDOException: SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 'Unique ON users_external'

    I am using MariaDB 10.9.7. Any advice for troubleshooting would be greatly appreciated.
  • Vadym
    Super Moderator
    • Jun 2021
    • 348

    Hi rouhu,

    Check data/config.php version parameter. Is it v7.3.4?
    Do you upgrade your instance by running the command below?



    • rouhu
      • Sep 2020
      • 39

      I did it in app upgrade page. But the CLI upgrade does not work either with different error:

      [espocrm@srv1 public_html]$ php command.php upgrade
      PHP Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ')', expecting '|' or variable (T_VARIABLE) in /home/espocrm/public_html/vendor/laminas/laminas-mail/src/Protocol/Smtp.php on line 329
      [espocrm@srv1 public_html]$​


      • Vadym
        Super Moderator
        • Jun 2021
        • 348

        Hi rouhu,

        Please provide screenshot of Administration -> System Requirements to investigate this issue further.


        • rouhu
          • Sep 2020
          • 39

          Administration System Requirements
          PHP Settings
          PHP Version 8.1.17 Success
          json On Success
          openssl On Success
          pdo_mysql On Success
          mbstring On Success
          zip On Success
          gd On Success
          iconv On Success
          curl On Success
          xml On Success
          xmlwriter On Success
          exif On Success
          max_execution_time 600 Success
          max_input_time 600 Success
          memory_limit 256M Success
          post_max_size 100M Success
          upload_max_filesize 100M Success
          Database Settings
          MariaDB version 10.9.7-MariaDB Success
          Host Name localhost Success
          Database Name espocrm Success
          User Name espocrm Success
          /home/espocrm/public_html/data Writable Success
          /home/espocrm/public_html/application/Espo/Modules Writable Success
          /home/espocrm/public_html/client/custom Writable Success
          /home/espocrm/public_html/client/modules Writable Success
          /home/espocrm/public_html/custom/Espo/Custom Writable Success​


          • item
            item commented
            Editing a comment
            what is result of terminal command : php -v
        • rouhu
          • Sep 2020
          • 39

          php -v is 7.4.33

          But then with php81 the rebuilt still fails.

          [espocrm@srv1 public_html]$ php81 command.php upgrade
          Current version is 7.3.4.
          EspoCRM will be upgraded to version 7.4.6 now. Enter [Y] to continue.
          This may take a while. Do not close the terminal.
          Error: Rebuild is failed. Fix all errors before upgrade.
          [espocrm@srv1 public_html]$

          Error Log:
          [2023-08-04 10:17:36] ERROR: Database rebuild failure, details: Error while rebuilding database. See log file for details.. [] []
          [2023-08-04 10:17:38] ALERT: Rebuild database fault: PDOException: SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 'Unique ON users_external' at line 1 in /home/espocrm/public_html/vendor/doctrine/dbal/src/Driver/PDO/Connection.php:72 Stack trace: #0 /home/espocrm/public_html/vendor/doctrine/dbal/src/Driver/PDO/Connection.php(72): PDO->query() #1 /home/espocrm/public_html/vendor/doctrine/dbal/src/Connection.php(1049): Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\PDO\Connection->query() #2 /home/espocrm/public_html/application/Espo/Core/Utils/Database/Schema/Schema.php(218): Doctrine\DBAL\Connection->executeQuery() #3 /home/espocrm/public_html/application/Espo/Core/Utils/Database/Schema/SchemaProxy.php(58): Espo\Core\Utils\Database\Schema\Schema->rebuild() #4 /home/espocrm/public_html/application/Espo/Core/DataManager.php(145): Espo\Core\Utils\Database\Schema\SchemaProxy->rebuild() #5 /home/espocrm/public_html/application/Espo/Core/DataManager.php(110): Espo\Core\DataManager->rebuildDatabase() #6 /home/espocrm/public_html/application/Espo/Core/Upgrades/Actions/Base.php(1033): Espo\Core\DataManager->rebuild() #7 /home/espocrm/public_html/application/Espo/Core/Upgrades/Actions/Base.php(285): Espo\Core\Upgrades\Actions\Base->systemRebuild() #8 /home/espocrm/public_html/application/Espo/Core/Upgrades/Actions/Base/Install.php(347): Espo\Core\Upgrades\Actions\Base->throwErrorAndRemovePackage() #9 /home/espocrm/public_html/application/Espo/Core/Upgrades/Actions/Base/Install.php(122): Espo\Core\Upgrades\Actions\Base\Install->throwErrorAndRemovePackage() #10 /home/espocrm/public_html/application/Espo/Core/Upgrades/Base.php(193): Espo\Core\Upgrades\Actions\Base\Install->stepInit() #11 /home/espocrm/public_html/application/Espo/Core/Upgrades/Base.php(168): Espo\Core\Upgrades\Base->runActionStep() #12 /home/espocrm/public_html/application/Espo/Core/Console/Commands/UpgradeStep.php(88): Espo\Core\Upgrades\Base->runInstallStep() #13 /home/espocrm/public_html/application/Espo/Core/Console/Commands/UpgradeStep.php(65): Espo\Core\Console\Commands\UpgradeStep->runUpgradeStep() #14 /home/espocrm/public_html/application/Espo/Core/Console/CommandManager.php(95): Espo\Core\Console\Commands\UpgradeStep->run() #15 /home/espocrm/public_html/application/Espo/Core/ApplicationRunners/Command.php(51): Espo\Core\Console\CommandManager->run() #16 /home/espocrm/public_html/application/Espo/Core/Application/RunnerRunner.php(87): Espo\Core\ApplicationRunners\Command->run() #17 /home/espocrm/public_html/application/Espo/Core/Application.php(78): Espo\Core\Application\RunnerRunner->run() #18 /home/espocrm/public_html/command.php(35): Espo\Core\Application->run() #19 {main} Next Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\PDO\Exception: SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 'Unique ON users_external' at line 1 in /home/espocrm/public_html/vendor/doctrine/dbal/src/Driver/PDO/Exception.php:30 Stack trace: #0 /home/espocrm/public_html/vendor/doctrine/dbal/src/Driver/PDO/Connection.php(77): Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\PDO\Exception::new() #1 /home/espocrm/public_html/vendor/doctrine/dbal/src/Connection.php(1049): Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\PDO\Connection->query() #2 /home/espocrm/public_html/application/Espo/Core/Utils/Database/Schema/Schema.php(218): Doctrine\DBAL\Connection->executeQuery() #3 /home/espocrm/public_html/application/Espo/Core/Utils/Database/Schema/SchemaProxy.php(58): Espo\Core\Utils\Database\Schema\Schema->rebuild() #4 /home/espocrm/public_html/application/Espo/Core/DataManager.php(145): Espo\Core\Utils\Database\Schema\SchemaProxy->rebuild() #5 /home/espocrm/public_html/application/Espo/Core/DataManager.php(110): Espo\Core\DataManager->rebuildDatabase() #6 /home/espocrm/public_html/application/Espo/Core/Upgrades/Actions/Base.php(1033): Espo\Core\DataManager->rebuild() #7 /home/espocrm/public_html/application/Espo/Core/Upgrades/Actions/Base.php(285): Espo\Core\Upgrades\Actions\Base->systemRebuild() #8 /home/espocrm/public_html/application/Espo/Core/Upgrades/Actions/Base/Install.php(347): Espo\Core\Upgrades\Actions\Base->throwErrorAndRemovePackage() #9 /home/espocrm/public_html/application/Espo/Core/Upgrades/Actions/Base/Install.php(122): Espo\Core\Upgrades\Actions\Base\Install->throwErrorAndRemovePackage() #10 /home/espocrm/public_html/application/Espo/Core/Upgrades/Base.php(193): Espo\Core\Upgrades\Actions\Base\Install->stepInit() #11 /home/espocrm/public_html/application/Espo/Core/Upgrades/Base.php(168): Espo\Core\Upgrades\Base->runActionStep() #12 /home/espocrm/public_html/application/Espo/Core/Console/Commands/UpgradeStep.php(88): Espo\Core\Upgrades\Base->runInstallStep() #13 /home/espocrm/public_html/application/Espo/Core/Console/Commands/UpgradeStep.php(65): Espo\Core\Console\Commands\UpgradeStep->runUpgradeStep() #14 /h... [] []
          [2023-08-04 10:17:38] ERROR: Database rebuild failure, details: Error while rebuilding database. See log file for details.. [] []
          [2023-08-04 10:17:38] ERROR: Upgrade Error: Error: Rebuild is failed. Fix all errors before upgrade. [] []​


          • shalmaxb
            Senior Member
            • Mar 2015
            • 1638

            I think, this version does not run with PHP 7.x

            If you do not succeed in any scenario, you might consider to install a fresh espoCRM in another domain. Before that, make a backup of the web folders and an export of the database.

            Then you install a new instance of espoCRM. When ready you import the database.

            From the web folders upload the following folders:


            If your new database has different credentials than the old one, you have to configure the config-internal.php at the values for database (user, password).

            Then you make a rebuild and the app should work. If not, see the log-file, if there is any hint. Because of possible server issues, have a look into the server logs as well, if possible.

            It might take much more time to search the culprit in your old installation and even finding does not guarantee, that the system will work correctly afterwards.


            • rouhu
              • Sep 2020
              • 39

              I got to the bottom of this. I needed to make the "Name" field unique in a custom entity. So I created unique index for that column. I removed the unique index and then cli upgrade worked. Would there by any other way to make field unique in a custom entity ?


              • shalmaxb
                Senior Member
                • Mar 2015
                • 1638

                In the entityDefs of that field add

                "unique": true

                If it is the "name" field, addittional line

                "isCustom": true

                This used to work, but I don`t know, if still.

