Unknown Version -> Upgrade to 7.3.3

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  • MediaBerg
    Junior Member
    • Mar 2019
    • 15

    Unknown Version -> Upgrade to 7.3.3

    Good evening, ladies and gentlemen,

    I'm very desperate. I'm self-employed and my system administrator, who used to help me with my online installations, has quit.
    In the meantime, my hosting company has changed the PHP version. It's only >8.0.

    Now my beloved ESPO-CRM doesn't start anymore.
    I can't make out which one it is. An Error 500 is displayed. Then the note 2019. Since then there has probably been no more update.

    How do I fix that?

    It worked until the beginning of the year, but not anymore.

    Is there a way that I can first find out which version was installed? Probably something around 5.X.
    I did a backup - means I have downloaded this version to my hard drive.

    I've already tried to play a new version of ESPO CRM in a different directory and link it to the old database, but that didn't work.

    Does somebody has any idea?​

    Best, Andreas
  • item
    Active Community Member
    • Mar 2017
    • 1498

    Hi Andreas,
    you can see your espocrm version in "path/data/config.php". => path is dependant .. so generaly is /var/www/html

    have you many customisation ? coding ? .. if no "coding".. then a basic upgrade will do the jobs. If coding, then maybe adapt code !
    you have 3 important folder :
    to make backup and of course database
    have you many file uploaded ?
    all this info can help other to respond

    Maybe, who are your hosting and from wich country (for time )

    Last edited by item; 03-17-2023, 05:29 PM.
    If you could give the project a star on GitHub. EspoCrm believe our work truly deserves more recognition. Thanks.​


    • MediaBerg
      MediaBerg commented
      Editing a comment
      Hi there,

      thanks for your quick answer. My Version is 5.5.6. Is it doable to upgrade this one into 7.3.4 by replacing the 3 folders?
      What do you mean with update database? Current MySQL Version is 5.7.40-43.
      Hoster is Hosteurope.

    • MediaBerg
      MediaBerg commented
      Editing a comment
      Okay. Did some homework.

      I saw the upgrade files here: https://www.espocrm.com/download/upgrades/
      And I saw that there is a row starting from my version to the recent one.

      Do I need to go through all of them?
      Means from 556-5614 to 5614-5711 to 5711-585....727-734?

      And where do I find a documentation for upgrading via ftp

    • item
      item commented
      Editing a comment
      2 think :
      You need update in admin section of espocrm by uploading the file, each by each by following the version.

      As in doc : https://docs.espocrm.com/administrat...grade-from-cli
      In v5.6 and after you need upgrade by cli ..

      Of course, if you have error 500, this complicate the situation. You need a working espocrm, you can try :

  • shalmaxb
    Senior Member
    • Mar 2015
    • 1624

    If you want, I can help you. You are German? or German speaking?


    • MediaBerg
      MediaBerg commented
      Editing a comment
      Yes. German should be know problem.
  • telecastg
    Active Community Member
    • Jun 2018
    • 907

    If you want to start a brand new installation, possibly the easiest choice in my opinion, this post can help you:

    I upgraded from 5.82 and followed the procedures to the current build. For two years prior to this upgrade, everything was running smoothly. I did appropriate backups, so I thought and even looked to the server rewinds etc. Now, every 2-4 hours the CRM crashes again and gives just the blue line across the top of the page. I

    Good Luck !


    • MediaBerg
      MediaBerg commented
      Editing a comment
      No, I don't want to do a brand new, because then I would lost all my entries in the old version. I need to find a way to upgrade from 5.5.6 to 7.3.4 version of EspoCRM.

    • telecastg
      telecastg commented
      Editing a comment
      With this method you would not lose anything.
  • shalmaxb
    Senior Member
    • Mar 2015
    • 1624

    Originally posted by shalmaxb
    If you want, I can help you. You are German? or German speaking?
    Ich habe dir eine PM geschickt


    • MediaBerg
      Junior Member
      • Mar 2019
      • 15

      Hello everyone,

      I'm looking for someone to help me update the previously unknown version to Latest Release EspoCRM 8.0.3.
      Is someone from Germany and can support me?​


      • Vadym
        Super Moderator
        • Jun 2021
        • 347

        Hi MediaBerg,

        By the way, you can go with official EspoCRM Paid Support, and we will provide you our assistance in upgrading:
        Last edited by Vadym; 10-12-2023, 12:11 PM.

