Translation of some words

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  • Akemi
    Junior Member
    • Feb 2023
    • 19

    Translation of some words

    Hi All,

    I have the dutch language installed but want to change some words. For example i want to change the word meeting in every place possible. With admin-label manager i managed to change a few but not all. Like create meeting i can't seem to find in the label manager.

    How can i change these labels? Somewhere in the backend i assume, but where?
    If i can, do these changes stay when a new version is installed? (label manager yes)

    Thanks for you help!
  • Kharg
    Senior Member
    • Jun 2021
    • 449

    I think that “Create Meeting” uses the entity name, so you have to rename the entity itself or from the Global ScopeNames label


    • telecastg
      Active Community Member
      • Jun 2018
      • 907

      Language files are stored as JSON files located under different modules and language folders.

      For example, the "Meeting" scope is located under the "Crm" module, assuming that you want to look at the entity's fields, labels, etc translations in standard dutch, the file would be:

      For the actual translation of the "Meeting" scope, the file would be:

      In order to make changes and keep them "update safe" you will need to create equivalent files in the "Custom" namespace, so your new files should be located at:


      • Akemi
        Akemi commented
        Editing a comment
        Awesome, that was the information i was looking for! Thank you very much!

        Followup question: Do i need to put the whole meeting.json there or just the parts that i want to change?
    • telecastg
      Active Community Member
      • Jun 2018
      • 907

      You're very welcome

      You just need to specify the parts that you want to modify.

      Espo is very flexible and easy to modify using json (metadata files).

      When you "rebuild" your instance, Espo consolidates all metadata specifications and creates a metadata.php file that the system uses to determine its configuration.

      In this consolidation process, the system takes the namespace where the potentially conflicting metadata specifications reside and gives priority to the "Custom" namespace, thus whenever you modify something in the Custom namespace, it will be upgrade proof.

      In fact, every time that you modify something using the Admin module, Espo will create those changes in metadata files stored under the Custom namespace.​


      • Akemi
        Akemi commented
        Editing a comment
        Thank you for your elaborate answer! It's really helpfull. Found the rebuild function in the admin panel. I'll start messing around with it.
    • emillod
      Active Community Member
      • Apr 2017
      • 1449

      Basic translations can be adjusted in Label manager.
      You have to go to Administration -> Label manager

      Here you have an example:


      • Akemi
        Akemi commented
        Editing a comment
        Hi Emillod,

        Thanks for responding, yes that part i found. It was the parts that are not found in label manager. telecastg explained perfectly what i was looking for. Thanks !