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Can not save settings

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  • Can not save settings

    Hi everyone,

    I've installed Espo Version 5.6.1 right now.
    The used server is from 000webhostapp (cost-free account).

    Unfortunately I could not understand why the system is not able to complete the "save" bottom process for some of the configuration.
    For example I can create teams but the system is not able to save in the user configuration the smallest update e.g. change of the language, I only see a "saving" message.

    May it is a problem in the PHP configuration?

    Here a listing of the failed point:

    max_execution_time 30 failed (180 is recommended)
    max_input_time 30 failed (180 is recommended)
    memory_limit 128M failed (256M is recommended)
    post_max_size 8M failed (20M is recommended)
    upload_max_filesize 8M failed (20M is recommendedn)

  • #2
    check please the error log files. This will help you to find them:
    Also, fix these parameters in the php.ini file.


    • #3
      Hi, we decided starting with espocrm. We’ve starten with The latest download 5.6.2, using a new CentOS 7 vps with php 7.2.17
      We have The same error. Dit you solve it?

      we have no error at The system page.
      there are no logs inside data
      i read about .htaccess. The new download includes The <ifModule .... Access put-het-post...”
      I tried <limit ...order/allow
      I tried < limit... grant all

      so far unsuccessful. Do you have any tips?


      • #4
        Just guessing... maybe httpd.conf of Apache must allow .htaccess to make those changes?


        • #5
          Is there a way to check if The results of The .htaccess is working as needed? (I couldn’t find The problem)


          • #6
            I verified:
            - .htaccess is loaded (making any mistake will produce error on site immediately)
            - still no errors/log in /data
            - cannot run print apache_get_modules as the system is using FastCGI
            - reboot vps - no change
            - I looked into nginx specific settings: but I believe these are more for other directory's then "/". Espo runs at sub.domein.ext/ So I think that is not the issue. (correct me if I'm wrong)
            - Browsers give same result on windows/IE and Mac/Safari -> not browser related

            Any help?


            • #7
              Maybe this helps... As soon as I click "Save", I get a message in Safari: Failed to load resource: Protocolfout - https://sub.domain.ext/api/v1/Settings
              I added: "RewriteBase /api/v1/" to .htaccess in api/v1/ - does not change anything.


              • #8
                If I change to http (not https): I get: /api/v1/Task/5ce7bbf832745159b net::ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE


                • #9
                  introduced by: jquery-2.1.4.min.js:4 PUT http://sub.domain.ext/api/v1


                  • #10
                    I can generate new things, But Cannot edit/change anything (results in error above).


                    • #11
                      If I add:
                      try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php?$query_string;

                      Of if I add:
                      location /api/v1/ {
                      if (!-e $request_filename){
                      rewrite ^/api/v1/(.*)$ /api/v1/index.php last; break;

                      ---> I get "Bad Server Response"

