we are facing some issues regarding range integer fields in our EspoCRM + Real Estate installation.
We currently have two range integer fields in Real Estate Request: bathroomCount and bedroomCount. Both come as default with the installation of the real estate extension and both present different problems.
Numbers written in bedroomCount are not saved to the DB. We had already reported the problem here and managed to solve it with your kind help. Now the problem is back and it appears that bedroomCount is NOT saved as a notStorable object in custom/Espo/Custom/Resources/metadata/entityDefs/RealEstateRequest.json like it was the last time. Therefore, any assistance on the matter would be much appreciated.
Regarding bathroomCount: the field is not shown in the request form (even though it has been placed in the Layout manager), and is also completely missing in RealEstateRequest.json. However, it is still listed in entity manager and layout manager.
Both these issues happened after updating core from 5.2.5 -> 5.3.6 and Real Estate extension from 1.2.3 -> 1.3.0. Now we are running 5.4.1 but the problems persist. File permissions are set to 644 for file and to 755 for directories.
Any help would be so much appreciated. Thank you!
we are facing some issues regarding range integer fields in our EspoCRM + Real Estate installation.
We currently have two range integer fields in Real Estate Request: bathroomCount and bedroomCount. Both come as default with the installation of the real estate extension and both present different problems.
Numbers written in bedroomCount are not saved to the DB. We had already reported the problem here and managed to solve it with your kind help. Now the problem is back and it appears that bedroomCount is NOT saved as a notStorable object in custom/Espo/Custom/Resources/metadata/entityDefs/RealEstateRequest.json like it was the last time. Therefore, any assistance on the matter would be much appreciated.
Regarding bathroomCount: the field is not shown in the request form (even though it has been placed in the Layout manager), and is also completely missing in RealEstateRequest.json. However, it is still listed in entity manager and layout manager.
Both these issues happened after updating core from 5.2.5 -> 5.3.6 and Real Estate extension from 1.2.3 -> 1.3.0. Now we are running 5.4.1 but the problems persist. File permissions are set to 644 for file and to 755 for directories.
Any help would be so much appreciated. Thank you!