It would be helpful to indicate minimum espo version compatibility for each release of an Extension.
There are occasional mentions in:
Release notes:
The extension page itself:
Download Portal:
A master reference somewhere would be great. We tend to be behind in the latest version.
By way of example, we just purchased SalesPack, found out during attempted install of v2.1.5 that it needs Php 8.x, but there are no release notes to that effect. Now that we have upgraded to Expo 7.3, I still don't know if that will be compatible.
There are occasional mentions in:
Release notes:
The extension page itself:
Download Portal:
A master reference somewhere would be great. We tend to be behind in the latest version.
By way of example, we just purchased SalesPack, found out during attempted install of v2.1.5 that it needs Php 8.x, but there are no release notes to that effect. Now that we have upgraded to Expo 7.3, I still don't know if that will be compatible.