Notification after Lead assignment

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  • Jakub Grufik
    Senior Member
    • Aug 2022
    • 361

    Notification after Lead assignment

    Hello guys,

    I would like to turn on app notifications after lead assignment, but I am not able to select Lead in Administration->Notifications->Entities to notify about upon assignment

    Is there any way how to add the lead to the list?

    Thank you
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  • rabii
    Active Community Member
    • Jun 2016
    • 1250

    I don't think there is a way to do it through UI but i have found that you can implement (assignmentNotificatorClassName) to enable notification for certain entity, here is what you can do:

    1 - Create a file under custom\Espo\Custom\Classes\AssignmentNotificators\ Lead.php paste the code below:

    PHP Code:
    namespace Espo\Custom\Classes\AssignmentNotificators;
    use Espo\Core\Field\LinkParent;
    use Espo\Core\Notification\AssignmentNotificator;
    use Espo\Core\Notification\AssignmentNotificator\Params;
    use Espo\Core\Notification\DefaultAssignmentNotificator;
    use Espo\Core\Notification\UserEnabledChecker;
    use Espo\Core\Utils\Metadata;
    use Espo\Entities\Notification;
    use Espo\Entities\User;
    use Espo\Modules\Crm\Entities\Lead as LeadEntity;
    use Espo\ORM\Entity;
    use Espo\ORM\EntityManager;
     * @implements AssignmentNotificator<LeadEntity>
    class Lead implements AssignmentNotificator
        private const ATTR_ASSIGNED_USERS_IDS = 'assignedUsersIds';
        private const TYPE_ASSIGN = 'Assign';
        public function __construct(
            private DefaultAssignmentNotificator $defaultAssignmentNotificator,
            private UserEnabledChecker $userEnabledChecker,
            private EntityManager $entityManager,
            private User $user,
            private Metadata $metadata
        ) {}
         * @param LeadEntity $entity
        public function process(Entity $entity, Params $params): void
            // Default assignment notifications not needed if stream is enabled.
            if (!$this->hasStream($entity->getEntityType())) {
                $this->defaultAssignmentNotificator->process($entity, $params);
            if ($entity->getStatus() !== LeadEntity::STATUS_NEW) {
            if (self::ATTR_ASSIGNED_USERS_IDS &&
            ) {
            /** @var string[] $prevIds */
            $prevIds = $entity->getFetched(self::ATTR_ASSIGNED_USERS_IDS) ?? [];
            $ids = $entity->get('assignedUsersIds');
            $newIds = array_filter($ids, fn ($id) => !in_array($id, $prevIds));
            $assignedUser = $entity->getAssignedUser();
            if ($assignedUser) {
                $newIds = array_filter($newIds, fn($id) => $id !== $assignedUser->getId());
            $newIds = array_values($newIds);
            foreach ($newIds as $id) {
                $this->processForUser($entity, $id);
         * @param LeadEntity $entity
        private function processForUser(Entity $entity, string $userId): void
            if (!$this->userEnabledChecker->checkAssignment($entity->getEntityType(), $userId)) {
            $createdBy = $entity->getCreatedBy();
            $modifiedBy = $entity->getModifiedBy();
            $isSelfAssignment = $entity->isNew() ?
                $createdBy && $userId ===  $createdBy->getId() :
                $modifiedBy && $userId === $modifiedBy->getId();
            if ($isSelfAssignment) {
            /** @var Notification $notification */
            $notification = $this->entityManager->getRDBRepositoryByClass(Notification::class)->getNew();
                    LinkParent::create($entity->getEntityType(), $entity->getId())
                ->setData((object) [
                    'entityType' => $entity->getEntityType(),
                    'entityId' => $entity->getId(),
                    'entityName' => $entity->getName(),
                    'isNew' => $entity->isNew(),
                    'userId' => $this->user->getId(),
                    'userName' => $this->user->getName(),
        private function hasStream(string $entityType): bool
            return (bool) $this->metadata->get(['scopes', $entityType, 'stream']);

    2 - Create a file under this Path: metadata > notificationDefs > Lead.json. paste the code below

    PHP Code:
        "assignmentNotificatorClassName": "Espo\\Custom\\Classes\\AssignmentNotificators\\Lead",
        "forceAssignmentNotificator": true

    The code above checks if there are multiple assignedusers (just in case if you use that in the future) then it will be send notification to new assigned users Or new assigned user if only use a single default assigned user.

    I have tested it but i think it should work, please note that it doesn't work for current user, so to check if it works you need to use two sessions two users.

    I hope this helps
    Web Dev


    • maxyang
      maxyang commented
      Editing a comment
      Can the above code trigger email notifications after assigning a customer (account)?

    • rabii
      rabii commented
      Editing a comment
      No that is for in app notification. if you want to use email then you need to implement Espo\Core\Notification\EmailNotificationHandler interface. Check out how it is done for CaseObj i guess there is something.

    • maxyang
      maxyang commented
      Editing a comment
      Anyway, thank you. Even though I still haven't figured it out.
  • ThomasB
    Senior Member
    • Mar 2022
    • 163

    Hm, I also can not add Lead to the in-App Notification.

    But I have two custom entities and one I can add and one I can not. Not sure why its like that or what causes on entity to be added and the other not. Both were created via the UI.


    • lazovic
      Super Moderator
      • Jan 2022
      • 810

      It it possible to add any entity to the Entities to notify about upon assignment list if Stream is turned off for this entity.


      • rabii
        Active Community Member
        • Jun 2016
        • 1250

        yes the reason why is that in order to have the all entities there the entity should have stream enabled and should have multiple assignedusers
        check this code which fill in the field with list of entitytypes
        Web Dev


        • rabii
          Active Community Member
          • Jun 2016
          • 1250

          OK i figure out how it works, there should be 3 conditions in order for your entity to be listed on the assignment notification list, in your entity scopes you should have the 3 conditions as below:

          PHP Code:
              "entity": true,
              "stream": false,
              "notifications": true
          It should be entity true which means it is not used as an object by the system, it should not have stream on because if stream is on then that information will be logged into the stream and it should have notification on. if you add this to any entity it will be available on the assignment notification entity list.

          Web Dev


          • rabii
            Active Community Member
            • Jun 2016
            • 1250

            Remember if you have advanced pack you can use workflow to notify assignment easily without the need for any code changes.
            Web Dev


            • ThomasB
              Senior Member
              • Mar 2022
              • 163

              This could be an improvment for the docs. Stating in order to have in-app notifications, the entity needs to have streams disabled. Have not seen such note or I missed it.


              • lazovic
                lazovic commented
                Editing a comment
                If a Stream is enabled for an entity and you create a record with this entity type with another assigned user, that user will receive a notification that something has been assigned to them. No additional settings are needed. Please try to check it in your instance.

              • Jakub Grufik
                Jakub Grufik commented
                Editing a comment
                hello lazovic, I have stream turned on for the Leads and still cannot choose Lead in Administration->Notifications... or this behavior is automatic without need to set it up in Administration?

              • ThomasB
                ThomasB commented
                Editing a comment
                You need to disable streams, if you want to add notification in the admin interface.

                See the code:
                "entity": true,
                "stream": false,
                "notifications": true

                If I understood lazovic correctly, if stream is turned on, it basically acts like in-app notifcations are turned on in the admin interface.
                Because users will reveive notifications, there is no need to add them in that admin option.
                Last edited by ThomasB; 10-10-2023, 12:34 PM.
            • lazovic
              Super Moderator
              • Jan 2022
              • 810

              Hi Jakub Grufik,

              If Stream is turned on, you don’t need to do or configure anything else.
              Check this on your instance. Log in as another user in the anonymous tab and from the main tab (for example, under the admin) create/edit a lead by adding the assigned user from the anonymous tab to it. This user will receive a notification.


              • lazovic
                Super Moderator
                • Jan 2022
                • 810

                My main message is the following: if Stream is enabled for an entity, there is absolutely no need to add this entity to the Entities to notify about upon assignment list. The notification about the assignment will already be sent to the assigned user.


                • Jakub Grufik
                  Jakub Grufik commented
                  Editing a comment
                  got it, thanks a lot for this usefull info have a nice day mate