Note entity type not available in Process Flowcharts

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  • hrdy90
    Junior Member
    • Apr 2021
    • 28

    Note entity type not available in Process Flowcharts

    I've setup the following to notify users when theres a new note / post placed inside a Case:
    If you don't utilize portal users in your CRM, you might want your customers (contacts) be notified with an email when a new post is created in the stream of a case record. Create a Workflow rule for 'Note' target entity, with trigger type 'After record created'.

    Everything working except getting which user posted the update. I only get the user "System". I think this is because i've set the "sent from" to System in the Workflow. Unfortunately it needs to be sent from System and I cannot use "Reply to". I might be missing which attribute to use.

    So I hoped to be able to set this up in a Process Flowcharts instead, but the entity type "Note" is not available there. Is this missed or supposed to be missing?
  • lazovic
    Super Moderator
    • Jan 2022
    • 902

    Hi hrdy90,

    Please tell me if I understand you correctly, in the email there is no information about who post the note? If so, then you just need to use {Note.createdByName} placeholder in the subject/body of the email template. If not, please specify your request a little more.


    • hrdy90
      hrdy90 commented
      Editing a comment
      You understood me correct. I've been looking everywhere for that placeholder. I even looked for it directly in the code itself. Thank you!

      May I ask, not considering the drop-down placeholder helper - how do i know which values exist inside the {Note} placeholder? In this case, the Note placeholder is not even an option in the dropdown and had a really hard time finding it.
  • lazovic
    Super Moderator
    • Jan 2022
    • 902


    Here you can view all field attributes for the Note entity: Administration > Entity Manager > Note > Fields. They are used in placeholders.


    • hrdy90
      hrdy90 commented
      Editing a comment
      Aah. Never though about placeholders as entity fields. Perfect! This will save me so much time. Thank you!

    • hrdy90
      hrdy90 commented
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      lazovic Or actually - Placeholder "createdByName" does not exist there. Or is that just one of those that you'd expect kind of / being global?
  • lazovic
    Super Moderator
    • Jan 2022
    • 902


    Please read more about attributes here:
    I can not explain it better than it is explained in the documentation.​

