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Selectively Show entity in related entities

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  • Selectively Show entity in related entities

    I dont know if cases does this as well but, I made an entity called tickets and have it related to accounts. So if a tickets status is closed I dont want it to show up in the list of related tickets on an account.

    See screenshots

  • #2
    Found out if you put it in detail it shows up as just a list of names, however if you add the entity to bottom panels it shows up as a small list on the related entity's views


    • #3
      You have to create a new Custom View or Filter so it hide away all "Close" status. There is a 'starter' guide as a Video tutorial if you want to give that a try. But it does require some work as it is a general tutorial only.


      • #4
        Hello jhawn if you have Advanced Pack, you can create a report panel which will be displayed in bottom panel with tickets which meets your conditions. That can be done without coding You can read more about Advanced Pack on this page. It's really good extension!


        • jhawn
          jhawn commented
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          We are trying to test it out as cheaply as possible before we get into the extensions..... bosses orders we still need it but... gotta get it built out enough to show off and be able to walk with it before we run.

        • jhawn
          jhawn commented
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          thanks for your help, BTW

      • #5
        Originally posted by jhawn View Post
        I dont know if cases does this as well but, I made an entity called tickets and have it related to accounts. So if a tickets status is closed I dont want it to show up in the list of related tickets on an account.

        See screenshots
        yeah it is doable you can create a filter for your ticket entity that show only open tickets (!closed) and then in your account details view you can customise the relationship tickets to reflect only open tickets.

        here is how it is done currently in espocrm account - contacts (on account details by default it show only active contacts)
        Web Dev | Freelancer


        • jhawn
          jhawn commented
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          thank you for your help