MassUpdate failed

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  • esendino
    Senior Member
    • May 2019
    • 158

    MassUpdate failed


    I made a massUpdate on an entity, and it produced an error

    From that moment I'm unable to do any massUpdate on that entity. On any other entity i have no issues.

    How can I do to restore the situation?

    I can see that it has registered a a failure here (administration jobs selected only those starting by espo)

    Click image for larger version

Name:	image.png
Views:	356
Size:	40.7 KB
ID:	87962

    Any help or clue is welcomed
  • yuri
    • Mar 2014
    • 8709


    Is there anything logged in that moment in Espo logs?
    If you find EspoCRM good, we would greatly appreciate if you could give the project a star on GitHub. We believe our work truly deserves more recognition. Thanks.


    • esendino
      Senior Member
      • May 2019
      • 158

      es, there is a message to the log on that moment (before and after 14:04:03)

      [2023-02-10 13:02:41] WARNING: E_WARNING: unlink(data/cache/application/classmapRepositories.php): No such file or directory {"code":2,"message":"unlink(data/cache/application/classmapRepositories.php): No such file or directory","file":"/home/h104essenzial/public_html/crmboxspace/application/Espo/Core/Utils/File/Manager.php","line":774} []

      [2023-02-10 13:05:03] ERROR: JobManager: Failed job running, job '63e640c3573cd9027'. Mass action job error: String is not closed.; at /home/h104essenzial/public_html/crmboxspace/application/Espo/Core/MassAction/Jobs/Process.php:102. [] []

      Additional info, in case it might help.

      Just before the mass update I added three additional values to a list field. Apparently had no issue.

      And the massupdate was to set the records with one of those values

      The table is a very simple table with no links to any other table, neither any defined formulas.
      It has just over 200 records .

      A more detailed description of the issue: The problem is that it gives me errors on single record updates or bulk updates. On bulk updated only gives a generic message ("Error ocurred") and is more specific on a single record update:

      The record gets updated, but those changes don’t trigger anything after. For example don´t trigger “After the record is saved”.

      I made a different test. Launch a process based on a report.

      The process executes until reaches the update task, which is very simple: update teh original record with "Provis" as the value for the field 'estado'

      Click image for larger version

Name:	image.png
Views:	304
Size:	38.8 KB
ID:	88033
      Click image for larger version

Name:	image.png
Views:	200
Size:	9.8 KB
ID:	88034​​

      And that execution gives message in the log

      [2023-02-11 20:00:03] ERROR: Process 63e7f3c3561077f0e element bmacfe4aii: String is not closed. [] []
      [2023-02-11 20:00:03] ERROR: Process 63e7f3c36dc217dcf element bmacfe4aii: String is not closed. [] []
      [2023-02-11 20:00:03] ERROR: Process 63e7f3c385a7d12f2 element bmacfe4aii: String is not closed. [] []
      [2023-02-11 20:00:03] ERROR: Process 63e7f3c3a0c86e79b element bmacfe4aii: String is not closed. [] []


      • yuri
        • Mar 2014
        • 8709

        I don't have time to look into at the moment. It seems that you have a formula script with the syntax error. This error is produced when formula script is parsed. Use 'O' button on formula fields to check syntax. The bad formula is in some flow node element.
        If you find EspoCRM good, we would greatly appreciate if you could give the project a star on GitHub. We believe our work truly deserves more recognition. Thanks.


        • esendino
          Senior Member
          • May 2019
          • 158

          Hi yuri. Thanks for your answer.

          No, there is no formula script at all. The node giving the error message is a Task that updates the target record. It updates the field "Estado" whith the value "Creado" from the predefined list.

          Click image for larger version

Name:	image.png
Views:	231
Size:	9.8 KB
ID:	88106

          Nevertheless. I tried to restart from scratch again, I dis the following:

          1.- Deleted all the records of the table.

          2.- Deleted the entity in Under the three dots there is an option "Remove"

          3.- Gone to the DB and deleted it from the db as well

          It didn't work. I created a new entity with the same name and got the same issue: "String is not closed"

          Seems that the problem is stored somewhere that I haven't deleted. Maybe the ORM?

          How do we need to do in order to ensure that an entity is 100% removed from the system?


          • rabii
            rabii commented
            Editing a comment
            try this go the sandbox and select one of the records and update the field Estado to Creado and run to see if you get any errors.
        • esendino
          Senior Member
          • May 2019
          • 158

          I found what happened.

          There is nothing wrong with that process.
          There is nothing wrong with that table

          The issue was in another process related to the same table.

          It got activated by a conditional event, when a record was saved.

          That process didn't appear in the process report. It never surprised me because I knew those conditions were not met.

          But the system, to know if the process needs to be activited, needs to verify if the conditions are met.

          And the conditions were wrongly written. They had a sintaxis mistake. For that reason it failed.

          But the mistake appeared in a different process, in a different context, and for me was not clear were to look.

