Hey we are experiencing the same error, basically we are using an extension from Elba which allow to create pivot tables. we have 3 entities (Contract - Service and ContractService) the way it is set up is to allow to select services from the contract using the pivot table ContractService and there is a relationship between contract and contractservice as One to Many (one contract to many contractservices) we are using the field contractservices on the contract layout to allow to select a service and add additional data into using the pivot table. This field used to work fine but now it is producing error as you can see on attached screenshot. i have debugged and this is the message from the log WARNING: E_WARNING: Undefined array key "service" please note that the service is another relationship field between service and contractservice entities one service to many contractservice it seems that this is what causing the issue.
this is the metadata of the field contractServices:
"contractServices": { "layoutListDisabled": true, "layoutDetailDisabled": false, "type": "linkMultiple", "layoutMassUpdateDisabled": false, "noLoad": false, "importDisabled": false, "isCustom": true, "rowActionItems": [ "remove" ], "orderBy": "createdAt", "required": false, "enableForm": true, "layout": "listSmall", "middleLink": "service", "copyFields": [ "assignedUser", "createdBy", "createdAt", "modifiedAt", "modifiedBy", "name" ], "footerSumFields": [], "enableSelect": true, "fields": [], "buttonsPosition": "bottom", "order": "asc" },
Many thanks
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