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How to validate phone field for only using number

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  • AgentT
    My validatePhoneData looks like this:
    validatePhoneData: function () {
      var data = this.model.get(this.dataFieldName);
      if (!data || !data.length) return;
      var numberList = [];
      var notValid = false;
      data.forEach(function (row, i) {
        var number = row.phoneNumber;
        // Add validation for the Phone number
        if (!(/^[\+]?[1]?[\s]?[(]?[0-9]{3}[)]?[-\s\.]?[0-9]{3}[-\s\.]?[0-9]{4}$/.test(number))) {
          var msg = this.translate('The phone format is wrong!').replace('{field}', this.getLabelText());
          notValid = true;
          return true;
        var numberClean = String(number).replace(/[\s\+]/g, '');
        if (~numberList.indexOf(numberClean)) {
           var msg = this.translate('fieldValueDuplicate', 'messages').replace('{field}', this.getLabelText());
           this.showValidationMessage(msg, '' + (i + 1).toString() + ') input');
           notValid = true;
        }, this);
        if (notValid) {
          return true;
    This will validate my phone numbers to have only numbers and only certain patterns.

    The path to your custom entityDefs will be something like custom/Espo/Custom/Resources/metadata/entityDefs/Lead.json

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  • ivan2805
    Hi AgentT

    Thank you for your help,

    However since im not a programer, I may need to ask some simple question, because i really don't know

    On the code that you mention above, you put "<YOUR CODE HERE>" What kind of code that i need to put there.

    And second, where is the path to the entityDefs/Entity.json?

    Thank you

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  • AgentT
    You can add validations to the phone number field from the phone.js file.

    You will want to customise it, so create your own phone.js under client/custom/src/views/fields/phone.js which should extend the parent phone.js like:
    define('custom:views/fields/phone', 'views/fields/phone', function (Dep) {
        return Dep.extend({
        setup: function () {
        validatePhoneData: function () {
            <YOUR CODE HERE>
    You can add regex validations on the phone number here.

    Then have the phone number fields in entities point to this file, so under entityDefs/Entity.json where you have the phoneNumber field, add the parameter "view": "custom:views/fields/phone".


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  • ivan2805
    started a topic How to validate phone field for only using number

    How to validate phone field for only using number

    Hi everyone,

    I just notice that on the phone field inside the lead entity can be filled with anything including special character such as "-" and also letter.
    Is there any way that i can put some kind of rule inside the phone field that can only be filled with numbers.

    FYI, I'm not a programmer, so i will be appreciate if you can help me providing the steps to do this as clear as possible.

    Thank you in advance for the help