Hmm, I think this has to work without the Complex Equations structure.
So just using formula's won't do it. Complex Equations, seem to me, to be some kind of text -> SQL structure?
Function to get the label of an enum attribute value
if understand, label is language dependant, maybe :
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you can try the formula array\at(LIST, INDEX), e.g:
Code:$status = array\at('status', 1); CONCAT:(assignedUser.firstName, ' - ', $status)
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Function to get the label of an enum attribute value
I have a CONCAT function that's joining two attribute values, but I'd like the values to be the label value rather than the internal value of an enum attribute. Any ideas on how I might be able to do that?
Code:CONCAT:(assignedUser.firstName, ' - ', status)
Cheers.Tags: None
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