Meeting Invite Failed

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  • 440music
    Junior Member
    • May 2020
    • 15

    Meeting Invite Failed

    I've set up a meeting using the default template and when I hit the Send Invite button I get an error 500 with-in 2 seconds. 500 errors are usually caused by timing out.
    When texting email sending I get a Success and when sending message to a single contact I get success. Every test I run confirms I've set up the SMTP server with correct info.
    I've read ever post I could find on sending an invite but still don't have a clue to how to fix the error.
  • rabii
    Active Community Member
    • Jun 2016
    • 1268

    Check out if the outbound email setting is set properly. when sending invites the system will use the outbound email rather than the user's email account. check out administration/outbound (you need to configure an outbound email account so the system could use it to send invite / email notifications etc)
    Web Dev


    • 440music
      Junior Member
      • May 2020
      • 15

      thanks rabii, got it working

