Two buttons with action. Open with another layout.

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  • esforim
    I think the question sumservis wanted would be "what is the code?", you can create a button, but if the button don't do anything then it pointless.

    As for the code... that is something if a programmer in the community is willing to write one for you then you are in luck. Otherwise you have to explore on how-to yourself or pay to get.

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  • Katia
    Hi sumservis,

    This video is quite similar to the pevious one, but there's an example with creating a button with the Task entity and some fields.
    Maybe you will find something useful and create buttons with the entity you need.

    Here is the link:

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  • sumservis
    Originally posted by Vadym
    Hi sumservis,

    Perhaps, this tutorial will be helpful:

    It's similar, but it's not a solution to my problem. :-(

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  • Vadym
    Hi sumservis,

    Perhaps, this tutorial will be helpful:
    Auf YouTube findest du die angesagtesten Videos und Tracks. Außerdem kannst du eigene Inhalte hochladen und mit Freunden oder gleich der ganzen Welt teilen.

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  • sumservis
    Originally posted by sumservis
    Hi, I would like to create buttons see. attachment. Both buttons should open a detail with a different (detail) layout. How to do it please?
    Follow these steps after clicking the buttons

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  • Two buttons with action. Open with another layout.

    Hi, I would like to create buttons see. attachment. Both buttons should open a detail with a different (detail) layout. How to do it please?