Hey everyone out there,
I would like to set up a seminar management entity.
For this entity i need a N:N link with the contact entity which should contain additional information (like is the contact only on waitinglist, has he already placed payment for this seminar and so on).
Since those information aren't part of either contact or seminar they would have to be placed within the N:N connection table and be only accessible using the bottom panel.
This therefore needs to have an inline edit function.
I tried to use the following manuals to get it done:
- https://forum.espocrm.com/forum/gene...-relationships
- https://forum.espocrm.com/forum/feature-requests/27884-editable-updatable-fields-in-lists
but since my coding isn't that strong i failed on either one of those and made contact to the development support.
They thought that the idea of having such a link would be quiet interesting and adviced me to ask here what you think about that.
Best wishes
I would like to set up a seminar management entity.
For this entity i need a N:N link with the contact entity which should contain additional information (like is the contact only on waitinglist, has he already placed payment for this seminar and so on).
Since those information aren't part of either contact or seminar they would have to be placed within the N:N connection table and be only accessible using the bottom panel.
This therefore needs to have an inline edit function.
I tried to use the following manuals to get it done:
- https://forum.espocrm.com/forum/gene...-relationships
- https://forum.espocrm.com/forum/feature-requests/27884-editable-updatable-fields-in-lists
but since my coding isn't that strong i failed on either one of those and made contact to the development support.
They thought that the idea of having such a link would be quiet interesting and adviced me to ask here what you think about that.
Best wishes