Kanban view ignores field "Status" when it is set to "Completed+readonly"

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  • Laimonas
    Thanks a lot!

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  • Maximus
    Originally posted by Laimonas
    Is it possible to develop a custom view for Kanban in the "Administration" panel, or the only way to do that is to make changes in code?
    Only by changing/developing a code.

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  • esforim
    Code only for sure, at least from the sound of it. I don't think it even possible to disable kanban usage?

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  • Laimonas
    Thanks for the answers. Is it possible to develop a custom view for Kanban in the "Administration" panel, or the only way to do that is to make changes in code?

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  • Maximus
    Hi there,
    In this case the dynamic-condition affects only detail view. Kanban view works by another logic flow and dynamic-logic doesn't affects it. This is how it works. The only option to make what you expected is to develope a custom view for Kanban.

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  • DEN

    Logically everything is correct you made the field "read only", but you have not forbidden to edit it another users.

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  • Kanban view ignores field "Status" when it is set to "Completed+readonly"

    Hi guys,

    I have a problem and do not know how to fix it.

    I want my "Status" field in Tasks to become a "read-only" when it is set to "Completed", that the user would not be able to set it back to "Started". I have made "Dynamic Logic" in the "Status" field and it works well in the "List view" - I open a Task and I see that the "Status - Completed" is read-only, with no chance to change it. But if I choose "Kanban view" the user can drag it to the "Started" position without any problem and the "Status" field becomes "Started" again.

    Is there a way to prohibit the user to drag the Task to the "Started" position in "Kanban view"?

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